Monday, March 24, 2025
NFL Spell: Love You to Saturn and Back
Saturday, March 22, 2025
Criminally Cozy: Shaking it Up Shamrock Style
I may have missed out on getting a Shamrock Shake this year. But I wasn't about to let St. Pat's week pass without reading a green-themed cozy. And Irish Milkshake Murder, which is comprised of novellas from Carlene O'Connor, Peggy Ehrhart, and Liz Ireland, was the perfect pick. Each tale features a mint milkshake and characters that are just as colorful, including an Irish dancing duo, sheep-shearing enthusiasts, and elves in leprechaun clothing. St. Paddy's décor and treats abound, homing in on those holiday feels. It's almost as if no one's been murdered at all.
What more could a cozy -- and festive -- fan want? Not a thing.
Except that Shamrock Shake.
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Racing Rainbows
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Tea Shop Pretty Amidst the Grim and Gritty: View from the Vanity
Monday, March 10, 2025
Clothes, Clothes, Clothes
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Self Care Dare: Taking Back Fun Day
Sasha Worth is in a serious funk. She's so bogged down by her job that she can barely function. Making dinner seems like an insurmountable task, she has no energy for friends, and the only thing that comforts her is watching Legally Blonde. So when a cashier asks her out, she tells him she's not interested in sex because it's just "genitals rubbing together." (14) Pretty cringe, right? But also hilarious and charming and stranger-than-fiction real. Because this is Sophie Kinsella and her second-latest book, The Burnout.
That said, it's bizarre but not surprising when Sasha tears out of her office in a burst of can't-take-it-anymore anxiety and runs into a brick wall. Emotionally spent, she takes a leave of absence and holes up at the seaside resort where she vacationed as a kid. All Sasha wants is to be left alone. But the universe has other plans. Soon she befriends the quirky hotel staff, delves into a twenty-year-old mystery, and asks herself what she really wants. And she does it all with a man who seemed awful but turns out to be just what she needs.
Every time Sasha stumbles or has a wish-the-earth-would-swallow-her moment, I feel like it's happening to me, and I bet other readers do too. That's the magic of Kinsella. She shows us the dark in the light and the light in the dark through the eyes of relatable heroines. In a world where self care is often just a buzz word, Sasha asserts her worth and puts herself first, making The Burnout a standout.
So thank you, Sophie Kinsella, for giving us yet another wonderful read. There's no one I'd rather have a breakdown -- er, burnout -- with.