Thursday, April 9, 2020

Paper Products Party for Two

Or maybe I should say "paper products party of two."  Like the husband and I are cloistered on a quarantined craft cresting atop choppy waters.  Only, it would be more of a houseboat than a rickety sloop, what with a roof and running water and regular deliveries from Target.  By the way, that's where I got these napkins (Target, that is, not a houseboat).  As you know, paper goods are tough to come by these days, and I was feeling discouraged on Target's site until I detoured into the party section.  There I discovered such a collection of colorful cocktail serviettes that I felt like I was planning a booze cruise.  When I mentioned this on that family-wide FaceTime app known as House Party, my brother-in-law said, "You better not let Governor Murphy hear you say that!"  He refers, of course, to New Jersey's fearless leader known for fining people for throwing parties.  The most recent was a DJ-led rager that took place mere miles from the statehouse.       

Deadly virus or not, I guess some people just have to get their groove on.

Anyway, when the napkins arrived, they seemed like a bounty.  Now I'm reluctant to open them for fear that they'll dwindle faster than my Nature Valley almond butter biscuits.  Between us, the husband and I polished off fifty in less than two weeks.  That said, I did score a box of industrial-grade (i.e. nearly nonabsorbent public restroom) paper towels from Amazon.  I was so excited you might think it was a new Betsey bag!  Yet with these too I plan to exercise caution.  Normally, I go through paper towels like, well, almond butter bars, the evidence piling up Leaning-Tower-of-Pisa-style in my bathroom trashcan.  But rationing the finer fibers in life has taught me to be more careful.  For example, I've been using dishtowels and bath towels whenever possible and thinking, "Is this what it feels like to be environmentally responsible?  It isn't so bad!"  It's funny how much you can do with a little when you have to.  Somewhere out there a tree's thanking me.

I hope it's an oak.  No, a redwood.


Samantha said...

Those colorful napkins are so pretty!! (I thought they were post-it notes at first!) I've been using more dishtowels and bath towels too to try to save on paper towels. I feel like the quarantine has made a lot of us more environmentally responsible naturally, haha!

Jewel Divas Style said...

We have to ration all of ours paper products as well since toilet paper hasn't been on shelves in about six weeks. Handee towels and serviettes disappeared next and they're only now slowly coming back.