Saturday, April 23, 2022

Primarily Pink

Bag: Betsey Johnson, Macy's

Top: Candie's, Kohl's

Sunglasses: Wild Fable, Target; Headband: Gifted; Love bangle: Boscov's; Other bangle: Mixit, JCPenney

Skirt: Trixxi, Kohl's

Big Black Bow Necklace

Top: Hippie Rose, Macy's

Shoes: Madden Girl, Kohl's; Socks: Amazon

Sunglasses: Michaels; Charm bracelet: Mixit, JCPenney; Belt: Belt is Cool, Amazon; Bangle: Mixit, JCPenney; Other bracelet: Cloud Nine, Ocean City

Pink Lady Necklace

Legwarmers: Gifted

Top: Delia's, Dolls Kill

Bag: Candie's, Kohl's; Choker: Ella & Elly, Zulily; Bangles: Mixit, JCPenney; Sunglasses: Target

Skirt: Tinseltown, Macy's

The primary colors are blue, yellow, and red.  But sometimes I think of them as blue, yellow, and pink.  The pretty primaries, if you will.  So I put together some pink outfits to go with my new pink necklaces and staged them with blue and yellow backdrops.  And it was a blast.  Even when the backdrops came tumbling down after I left them up overnight.  That'll teach me to try to sleep between photos.  

Anyway, there was also a pink surprise in store for me this week: these lovely trees, which I saw at the post office.  I especially like how they're forming a kind of arbor over the newspaper dispensers.  The pink really sets off the stark red and blue, a cartoonish commentary on how the natural world coexists with our manmade one.

Then again, if that were truly the case, then the dispensers would be choking the trees by the roots.    

Sorry, day after Earth Day.  I tried.


Hollyn'Stevie said...

Happy Earth Day Weekend! Lovely how you focused on PINK..which is my favorite. Such a great sweater from Dolls Kills and love that racing checked skirt too! Oh, and the hearts! Awesome! Also, love those piano keys too!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for reading my new installment. Oh, let's hope I keep up the pace. Hopefully, Stevie isn't too hyper. Thanks again for the inspiring fashion and of course, your wonderful wit!

ellie said...

Such beautiful hearts in the first outfit! Lovely! I had never thought about that with the primary blocks. Thanks so much! I love how you have skirts and tops to change up like this too! Oh, and the headpieces are very cool too!

We have had some horrible winds this week. At least the straight winds haven't hurt anything major. But it seems the wind and rain have gone hand and hand here (there have been some ongoing wild fires west of here). Our best moisture was when a calm fog rolled in after a warm front. Things got icky humid and then the winds roared. We had hoped to go to an Earth Day festival yesterday (they haven't had it for 2 years now) but it was just too risky. I did manage to get my favorite protein shakes from Walmart and do a little birthday shopping for someone at JoAnn's but several times I thought I was going to blow away in the wind.

THANKS for liking the collages and of course, getting some color from you too! I greatly appreciate it! Hopefully, I'm not going overboard with the Declan story (no to mention Riley and Melissa's story coming up). And of course, Matty & Val along with Brick & Lily and their relationships. Of course, it also has to do with when that first love came along too.

Caitlin&Megan said...

Oh such charming pink to sneak in with the yellow and blue! LOVE IT! Such a great photo shoot! Adoring those socks with the pink slip on high heels. So cool! & you can never go wrong with hearts!

So cool..those cherry blossoms! Beautiful post!


Oh, I dunno if I'm ever writing what I should be writing, but oh well. It is kind of hard to write about wedding showers, etc. So..I wrote about something else...=) & I was a little shocked how some reacted to Bea, but I am happy they reacted that way.

Ivy's Closet said...

Such a great Sunday post! Exciting to see these outfits! You are truly inspiring. I love that sweater! You always find the sweetest details to your outfits too! Adoring!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< I think I have finally found a book I like, although, I dunno if many will find it to their liking as much as I did. TELL ME HOW TO BE. But before is always THE PARIS APARTMENT which I finally reviewed this past week. We are in full throttle with our Adult Reading Program. I did go to a yogi thing last Saturday at the library. It was rather relaxing and I liked the water color we worked on, afterward. Maybe I'll do more water colors now..hahahahaaa.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Beautiful earth day photo! I adore all shades of pink and definetley enjoyed your pink post ! Your pink and black shoes are striking . I have a thing for decorated eye glasses so I love your polka dot sunglasses ( I have a HUGE collection of decorated reading glasses-wearing bright purple right now..) You look adorable in your black and white heart skirt.

Samantha said...

I adore all of this pink!!! The pink and black ensemble with the eyes purse is fabulous. It's so cute how hearts are the theme! Your accessories are so stylish; the piano barrettes are so much fun and look great in your hair. The pink and black theme is so eye-catching, with the Pink Lady necklace and checkered ensemble! The grey legwarmers look ultra cool with the heels, and the mesh top is stunning - along with the Once in a Pink Moon Necklace! Last but not least, the hot pink trees are beautifully striking. The newspaper dispensers add that cute-town vibe. (Side note: I giggled at the mental image of the backdrops randomly tumbling down in the dark of the night!!) The backdrops really do add so much visual fun to your photos. :)

ellie said...

A note about Rylie...

"Rylie was definitely not her first love's type, but she got along with Maggie's brother just fine. It was so long ago, but they kept in touch. Rylie didn't even think to ask about Brandon's sister." Rylie loved Brandon's sister Maggie (although Maggie didn't reciprocate, Rylie became friends with Maggie's brother)

Ivy's Closet said...

That is interesting what you said about the "Queen" Barbie..yes, I found it a little creepy too. One of those dolls I am sure will stay in the packaging! When I saw it, I kept thinking..oh, it's the beginning of the Queen's birthday celebration.

Oddly, I had a very long dream about the Queen finding out that Prince William was an imposter. It was the strangest dream. And that was only the tip of the iceberg because then she found out later how her own ancestors weren't of authentic genes she was very upset, "We aren't Royals at all."

But it was fun to find a playlist..perhaps more fantasy than anyhing.

Królowa Karo said...

I used to prefer red, now I like such energetic pink ...

bread&salt said...

What a beautiful spring season outfits Dear friend! All really fit you very well. Thanks for the review, pink Lady necklace looks perfect.