Sunday, February 26, 2023

Sister Sleuths: Cooking up Carbs and Chaos

With the book club and my own never-ending TBR list, books are taking over my life.  After finishing my sister's pick, Elle Cosimano's Finlay Donovan Knocks 'Em Dead, my mom couldn't wait to find out what happened next and went for the next installment, Finlay Donovan Jumps the Gun.  I can't blame her, as these books are page turners that bleed into one another.  I think it's the only whodunit series I've read where the same mystery keeps building throughout (because the Russian mob never rests).  Anyway, this time, Finlay and Vero are still trying to find the online hacker who wants to hack Finlay's ex to pieces.  And apparently, the best way to do that is to join the Police Academy.  No Steve Guttenberg cameos here, though; this is the citizens' version of the training.  To that point, even neighborhood busybody Mrs. Haggerty is along for the ride-along, giving Finlay and Vero a run for their blood money in her Juicy Couture sweats.  Of course, hot cop Nick is in charge of the program and is still trying to entice Finlay to sample what her mother referred to as his "nice biscuits."  It's all pretty hilarious, and less gory than its two predecessors.  Best of all, for once I thought I had the perp figured out (I was wrong, but it was nice while it lasted).  What's more, the cliffhanger's a real doozy.  But we'll have to wait until Cosimano writes the next book to find out how Finlay and Vero hang in there.

After vicariously chasing bad guys -- and being chased by them -- I was ready for a different kind of biscuit, or rather, roll.  Yes, it was time for cozy queen Joanne Fluke's Caramel Pecan Roll Murder.  In a nutshell, it's about a blowhard who gets bumped off during a fishing competition.  I read it in a day, probably because it's half recipes, and found its downhome charm kind of soothing.  This isn't always the case; sometimes the local yokel simplicity of this series grates on me.  That said, unlike Finlay, the heroine, Hannah, doesn't have to investigate murders; she just likes to (which presents its own kind of neurosis, but I won't get into that).  She's a mild-mannered Minnesotan, baking cookies and juggling a hot cop of her own -- plus a dorky dentist -- while stepping in to solve the occasional murder.  Not that things ever heat up for Hannah in the romance department.  In Caramel Pecan Roll Murder, the hot gos is that Hannah's bunking with the dentist while her condo is being deep cleaned.  But it's all much ado about nothing, as Hannah never hooks up with anyone.  Still, what I find most horrifying about these books isn't Hannah's love life or even the crimes -- it's the sheer quantity of baked goods that Hannah is expected to produce every day, often beginning before sunrise.  People are always like, hey, Hannah, can you bake three dozen Coconut Mocha Madness cookies for today's Rotary Club meeting? or whatever.  And that's not even counting all the friends and family that drop by her shop to gobble up the candied fruits of her labor. 

It's almost enough to make you want to go undercover . . . which brings us full circle back to Finlay.

But then, I guess that's what books and life are about: finding that elusive balance.         


ellie said...

Oh, I am glad you made it through another Finlay book. Sounds like me when I just have to walk away at certain moments of the suspense! Both sound as if they have a fantastic supporting cast and usually, that always draws me back for more. Love the title of this post! Oh, I would love to see those biscuits but I have a sweet tooth for those pecan rolls too!🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈Really, we did have a mild weekend that ended with a calm thunderstorm. Of course, I had plenty of time to write..and so on...even with an authorfest! Thanks so much for your comments. Oh, I have even surprised myself connecting certain characters.

Caitlin&Megan said...

I love how you included these two books in your post. Oh, it looks as if you guys are on a roll with your book club which is fantastic! Happy, that you got to read something you wanted to read too! Its always great to want to read another in a series without feeling it was long commercial to get to the next one. And those cozy reads are the best anytime of the year.🌟💚🍀💚🌟March is practically here. Oh, and a longer month too. Of course, I have marched on with stories too. Thanks for your comments! Maybe there will be some twists and turns. Thanks again for being here. And all your inspiration🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

Ivy's Closet said...

That first one looks like a wild ride but I bet I would enjoy the second one more! Love your reviews!💙🌈🌟💙🖤 Oh, the authorfest was a great turnout! Lots were there to show support! I did get to chat with a few authors and went away with a couple of books. There were some awkward moments, but still it was fun. And it was great to hear them talk about their books too! I hope to share some about the experience.

Samantha said...

These books sound like a lot of fun!!! Books that come in a series are especially fun, since you really want to know what happens next in the storyline. And Caramel Pecan Roll Murder - what a title! 😄 Baked goods make for a cool mash-up of murder mystery titles! Anyway, I like that the second book incorporated recipes to go along with the concept. I like these double feature reviews you do, because it shows you can take two separate books under the same genre, yet they'll be completely different in the whole "vibe" of the story! 📚💜💛