Saturday, March 18, 2023

Festive Fits and Fatal Hits: Don't Get Murdered this St. Patrick's Day (Weekend)

It wouldn't be St. Patrick's Day (weekend) without one of Leslie Meier's Lucy Stone mysteries.  And Tinker's Cove wouldn't be Tinker's Cove without the always colorful and festive Phyllis:

" . . . Phyllis was at the reception desk, decked out in kelly-green reading glasses and a green-and-white-striped sweater, with some rather large shamrocks dangling from her ears.  A huge bunch of Irish daffodils bloomed on her desk.  "You've got the spirit, I see," said Lucy.  . . . "Look, it's March in Maine," said Phyllis.  "It's cold and gray, and the snow is filthy, and there's mud everywhere.  Truth be told, I'm dying for a glimpse of green and just trying to avoid falling into a depression." ' (214-215)

Same, Phyllis, same!

I won't bore you with the details of the rest of the book, which, by the way, is called Irish Parade Murder.  There's a parade, someone gets murdered (although not at the parade, despite what the title suggests), yada yada yada.  It has all the fun, escapism, and comfy feels characteristic of the cozy genre.  Yet as always, it's the everyday things that grab me because they're the things that make life wonderful.

Well, that and surviving a cold-hearted killer.  But you already knew that.

Happy St. Pat's Saturday! 🍀🌈


ellie said...

Such a cool tradition for St. Patty's..a cozy mystery! Such a fun one. I know how Phil feels about March. It really has been a cold one here, I'm afraid.💚🍀🌈 thanks for your comments. It has been fun writing about Alfie and Zoey, but I have enjoyed developing new stories for Yuki too. Hope you're having a good weekend. I am having one of those nights where I sleep a little and I'm awake a little.

Caitlin&Megan said...

Meier does have a fantastic way of building character. Such a fun way to celebrate St. Patrick's day. I need more green in my life! 🌈💚🌈💚🌈💚🍀Of course, with all this late winter stuff we are having..I guess I have a long haul of cabin fever which of course, means of my stories are full of cabin fever too. But only a few. Thanks for your comments. Thanks for being here. All the best to your creativity! Thanks for being so inspiring too🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀💚💚💚💚💚💚🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

Ivy's Closet said...

Oh, what a way to ring in St. Patrick's day. Such a fun mystery. Usually, it's the supporting cast that brings you back for more! Here to one more Shamrock Shake🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀I just might need another before Monday. Happy Weekend!

Samantha said...

"It's cold and gray, and the snow is filthy, and there's mud everywhere. Truth be told, I'm dying for a glimpse of green and just trying to avoid falling into a depression." Winter perfectly described - trying to find color somewhere amidst all the gray!! Phyllis' outfit sounds super cute. A holiday-themed book sounds like a great cozy read, and, "it's the everyday things that grab me because they're the things that make life wonderful" - so true!! 💚