Thursday, August 24, 2023

New Shoes and an Unlikely Muse

Top: Self Esteem, Macy's; Skirt: Tinseltown, Macy's; Bag: Betsey Johnson, Amazon

Headband: INC, Macy's; Sunglasses: Nordstrom Rack

Shoes: Madden Girl, Kohl's

Dress: Nine West, Kohl's; Shoes: Mix No. 6, DSW

Pop Palette Necklace

Barrettes: Wild Fable, Target

Bag: Delia's, Dolls Kill

Top: Marshalls; Skirt: H&M; Bag: Betsey Johnson, Dolls Kill

Shoes: Madden Girl, Kohl's

Sunglasses: Brigantine beach shop; Barrettes: The Tote Trove

When (most) men hear Madden, they think football.  But when (most) women hear it, they think shoes -- Steve Madden shoes!  Here I'm wearing two pairs that I scored for just fifteen dollars each from -- where else? -- Kohl's.  Even if they're not Steve Madden per se, but Madden Girl, which is the brand's younger and, yes, cheaper line.  I own two pairs of actual Steve Maddens and eight pairs of Madden Girls.  Sure, I could've swapped some of the girls for an extra Steve or two and saved closet space.  But I want to buy fewer shoes about as much as I want to grow up, which is to say not at all.  So discount kid kicks it is.

In other news, I made some more jewelry, including another embellished bauble called the Unique Unakite Necklace.  I never heard of the semi-precious unakite before gluing candy discs and a pineapple to its muted surface.  Doing so felt a little decadent and certainly not what Mother Nature intended.

Then again, she also never intended for me to hoard wear plastic shoes.


Ivy's Closet said...

Oh, some summer dresses for sure! Wow! I love the blue slippers! You did make a fantastic haul from Kohl's! Awesome about the necklaces too! It's been a hot steamy week here..and not in a good way. Hopefully, we have some relief soon! So glad you are getting in some creativity with your lovely and fun necklaces. Thanks for all the inspiring looks and shades too.


Thanks for your comments. I feel very lazy this week after my weekend at the library. The AC went out on Sunday but was fixed by Wednesday. We have a co-worker who is getting married. Suddenly, he's a bit shaken with all the cost of the wedding and of course the word MONEY. Hopefully, its only the jitters and nothing too serious. Oh looking back on that one story..I kept thinking..nobody does that..leaving their kid like that, but I heard this week from a co-worker that her son is getting a divorce and has been left to take care of his 8 month old and 4 year old.

ellie said...

Oh, who doesn't love plastic shoes! Such color and boldness in your latest post! I love the shoe haul! The necklaces are fabulous! So great how you come about with your inspirations for all this too!

I will confess Fall just can't come soon enough. I am so tired of the heat and the humidity. It's been the kind of heat that you get a headache if you are out there too long.

I so adore all your summer outfits! And I so want those blue shoes!

Caitlin'nMegan said...

Madden Girl! Awesome! I was watching a YouTube video recently about what happened to Delia and the controversy with Dolls Kills. And I thought of you!

Thank you for all your embellishments! From your art to your wonderful take on Mother Nature!

Happy Friday and a delightful weekend too.

camdandusler said...

So cute details, thanks for your sharing...

Samantha said...

I absolutely adore these outfits, and your Madden Girl shoes!!! The colors of your outfits are so sweet, like candy. My favorite necklace is the Mermaid Mix one (although, they are ALL stunners!) because I'm a sucker for mermaids and anchors!! Lastly, the Unique Unakite Necklace is unique and so cool indeed. My sister is very into stones and crystals, and she has told me how amazed she is by how you decorate and incorporate them into your jewelry creations! 💖

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

You look colorful and adorable in everything but always think high heels look great with just about every outfit. They are may favorites. The unakite necklace is beautiful .

Jewel Divas Style said...

Love the mermaid necklace, and the Unique Unakite necklace's shape looks like a butterfly.