Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Faux Fur for Real

Coat: Jou Jou, Macy's

Nutcracker: Gifted (and what a gift it was!)

Coat: Nine West, Kohl's

Bag: Delia's, Dolls Kill

Coat: Worthington, JCPenney

Ornaments: Michaels

Coat: So, Kohl's

Shoes: Betsey Johnson, Macy's

Sweater: Express

Faux fur is for real.  After all, what beats the winter blues better than synthetic fluff in cruelty-free colors?  Even if I considered the alternate title Faux Fur, My Chauffeur.  Because these coats take me wherever I want to go -- which is anywhere and everywhere as long as I'm wrapped in cozy and kitschy.  To that point, the first pic was taken two years ago at Smithville, one of the coziest -- and cutest! -- places around.

Who knows where my outerwear will take me next?  Hopefully, not the DMV.

I wasn't kidding about that chauffeur.


Ivy's Closet said...

Oh My! Full of color! Love the fluffy bag! You look fabulous! And I love the socks with those shoes! Really, we are having a mild winter..yet cold enough for most of us. Just a little blowing snow that didn't stick on Saturday morning. Still, I feel these days I'm on the run for something. And yet, I feel I should be writing.

My permanent crown has made my sensitivity..still I'm at the stage..maybe I'm just getting used to it. I really don't want to have to go to back to the dentist just yet.❄️❄️❄️❄️💙💙💙💙💙🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄Thanks so much for your comments! Wishing you all the best with your holidays!

Samantha said...

Your outerwear is so fabulous!!! 💝 Those blue earmuffs are so adorable, and so is your pirate nutcracker and ornaments! Cozy and kitschy is the best, and your outfits embody that perfectly - along with your accessories. You're definitely rocking the winter vibes! ❄️💙

ellie said...

Oh, lov'n that pic from Smithville. Cozy coat and adoring those pink boots! Awesome Christmas inspiration! Hope your weather is good. Actually, very mild and dry here..but maybe a chance of snow before Christmas..I would be happy to see some rain. Meanwhile I will have to have a look in closet to see what I can find to put together something so festive! Thanks for your comments and much much more. Hopefully, I will be on to making fudge soon..but first a little more Chrismas shopping. 💕🎄❤️🎄💕

Caitlin'nMegan said...

Oh, what fun it is in a faux fur coat and more fluffy things too! Sweet bags! I have to say the fluffy bag I have just stays in my room. I don't think I have ever carried it anywhere. I just don't know if I can get the livingroom decorated for Christmas. Meanwhile, I am not sure I'm giving enough time to some stories either..but I'm trying. Hope your holidays are safe and full of Happiness🎈🎄❤️❄️🎄💕

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Wow ! What a festive look. Being a vegetarian, I am all about faux when it comes to fur!! These outfits are so colorful and cozy looking. I especially love that multi striped bag with the vibrant beautiful colors! Such cute ornaments too. Enjoy your Nutcracker gift set. So thoughtful. We are getting closer to the big day! Looking forward to seeing all your outfits and celebrating!

Jewel Divas Style said...

All in awesome colours, too. And those ornaments are so cute.