Saturday, March 22, 2025

Criminally Cozy: Shaking it Up Shamrock Style

I may have missed out on getting a Shamrock Shake this year.  But I wasn't about to let St. Pat's week pass without reading a green-themed cozy.  And Irish Milkshake Murder, which is comprised of novellas from Carlene O'Connor, Peggy Ehrhart, and Liz Ireland, was the perfect pick.  Each tale features a mint milkshake and characters that are just as colorful, including an Irish dancing duo, sheep-shearing enthusiasts, and elves in leprechaun clothing.  St. Paddy's décor and treats abound, homing in on those holiday feels.  It's almost as if no one's been murdered at all.

What more could a cozy -- and festive -- fan want?  Not a thing.  

Except that Shamrock Shake.

1 comment:

ellie said...

I love that's as if no one has been murdered at all! Thanks for this wonderful review! Oh, keep those shamrock shakes coming 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀💚💚💚💚💚We were in store for a blizzard after St. Patricks..and it wasn't at DQ. We even had to close the library early. Who would have thunk it..the day before almost 80 and then the wind brought dust, rain and ice and it wa hard to see out there. Yes, we were pounded with snow and it left the cars dirty. Such a strange storm. Some are still without power, too. Odd brownouts. The bathroom light might be on, but the rest of the house was dark. I am hoping April will give us peace of mind. My boss might have Covid now, but I have my doubts she'll even get tested. Hope you guys are staying healthy and getting ready for a beautiful Easter💗🌸🌈💕❤️