Desert Diva Necklace
Purple top: Pink Republic, Kohl's
Print top: Marshalls
Skirt: Mudd, Kohl's
Shoes: Guess, DSW
Bag: Luv Betsey, Boscov's
Jelly bracelets: So, Kohl's
Braided bracelet: Amrita Singh, Zulily
Belts: Izod, Marshalls
Barrettes: The Tote Trove
Polly Parrot Necklace
Top: a new day, Target
Skirt: Tinseltown, Kohl's
Shoes: Ami Clubwear
Bag: Marshalls
Mint bangle: Decree, JCPenney
Yellow and blue bangles: B Fabulous
Striped bangle: Mixit, JCPenney
Belt: Belt is Cool, Amazon
Sunglasses: Wild Fable, Target
Top: JCPenney
Skirt: Tinseltown, Kohl's
Shoes: Ami Clubwear
Bag: B&B
Barrettes: The Tote Trove
Top to bottom: Mudd, Kohl's; Macy's; Mudd, Kohl's
Top to bottom: Tinseltown, Kohl's; Arizona Jeans, JCPenney; Tinseltown, Kohl's
I was recently listening to Fastball's "Fire Escape" (on CD, of course) when I realized why I like it so much. It's because it's about smashing expectations.
"Well, I don't wanna be President, Superman or, Clark Kent
I don't wanna walk around in their shoes
'Cause I don't know whose side I'm on
I don't know my right from wrong
I don't know where I'm going to
I don't know about you."
Of course, it's also about being a bit of an asshole boyfriend.
"I don't wanna make you mad
I don't wanna meet your dad
I don't wanna be your dream come true."
But I'm willing to rationalize that as collateral damage. Also, I can't help but wonder if "Out of My Head" is this dude's apology.
Anyway, living up to others' expectations can be toxic and has been so since the beginning of time. Look at Pip -- we all know what happened to him. Dealing with others' demands is certainly something that I've struggled with, which is why this nineties (1990s? I never know which one to go with) tune resonates so strongly with me. It makes me think of speeding, carefree, through the desert (Fastball hails from Texas), cavalierly throwing caution -- both figuratively and literally -- to the wind. Of saying no thanks to convention, no matter the consequences. Maybe that's why I lassoed the Desert Diva Necklace into this post.
On a related note, (some of) this week's outfits have an, ahem, ember of the girlier side of nineties style (butterflies and neon and leopard, oh my). And embers make me think of Ethan Embry and nineties classics Empire Records and Vegas Vacation. Ethan seems like the kind of guy who would want to meet your dad and, yes, make a good boyfriend (Gwar obsession notwithstanding).
Fire Escape man . . . is not Ethan Embry. But he seems to be doing his best.
"I'll be the rain falling on your fire escape
And I may not be the man you want me to
I can be myself, how 'bout you?"
He'll be the rain. Falling on her fire escape. Maybe he's the rain on a bright, sunny day, spoiling her alfresco breakfast. Or maybe he's the rain putting out a George Foreman grill fire. But either way, he's genuine.
Which is to say, not such a bad beau after all.