Saturday, July 30, 2022

Preppy, Punky Pop of Pow

Shoes: Katy Perry Collection

Bag: SHEIN; Bangles: B Fabulous: Ring: Making Waves, Ocean City; Sunglasses: Amazon; Necklace: The Tote Trove; Headband: INC, Macy's

Skirt: Trixxi, Kohl's

Top: Nine West, Zulily

Skirt: Almost Famous, Kohl's

Purple Potpourri Necklace

Bag: LC Lauren Conrad, Kohl's

Shoes: Betsey Johnson, Macy's

Top: LC Lauren Conrad, Kohl's

Mint bracelet: H&M, Green bracelet: Parade of Shoes; Purple bracelet: Etsy; Other bracelets: So, Kohl's; Ring: Making Waves, Ocean City

Skirt: Bubblegum, Macy's

Blouse: Eyelash, Kohl's; Striped cami: So, Kohl's

Flower ring: Seahorse Designs, Etsy; Orange bangles: B Fabulous; Blue bangle: So, Kohl's; Sunglasses: Target; Heart ring: Claire's; Cake ring: Bead Passion, Etsy; Yellow bangle: Silver Linings, Ocean City; Colorful necklace: Francesca's; Yellow necklace: Sonoma, Kohl's; Bag: Lily Bloom, JCPenney

Cardigan: Merona, Target

Madden Girl shoes: Pink and yellow: Kohl's; Blue: Macy's

When I was in school, there were the preppy girls and the other girls.  And preppy always meant "dressed up."  It didn't matter if you were wearing a collegiate polo and khakis or a bright pink dress.  If you were pulled together in any way, then you were a preppie.  Just like Zack Morris.   

But that label never felt right to me.  Because in the ways that counted, I always felt like an "other."  Partly because preppy girls never talked to me (and yes, that's a reference to Weezer's "Beverly Hills," albeit in a platonic as opposed to romantic way).  Partly because, preferring to be alone, I never talked to them either.

Yet as I got older, it occurred to me that maybe I was a preppie, at least sometimes.  And that that was okay.  Because style is never just any one thing, but a whole bunch of wonderful everythings that in some way, shape, or form, say "I'm here."

And embracing that makes me feel like this:

So that's what today's outfits are all about.  Preppy blouses and skirts mixed with out-there accessories.  

Now, if only I could find a Zack Morris-style shirt.  One of his bright tees, of course, not a button-down. 

Thursday, July 28, 2022

You, Me, and the Sea: Nine Years and Counting

So, why You, Me, and the Sea?  Obviously, because it rhymes with Owen Wilson's, You, Me, and Dupree!  Which makes even less sense than "sea" unless Dupree equals Van Gogh, Hokusai's The Waves being the inspiration for Starry Night.

For our ninth wedding anniversary, which was yesterday, the husband suggested going to see Beyond Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience.  A traveling exhibit, it had landed just miles away in Atlantic City at the Hard Rock Casino, so it seemed like a fun, local option.  Yet at first I was like, I don't know.  With COVID still looming large, going to a casino seemed dicey.  And yet, I was wavering.  The husband is a huge Van Gogh fan, and I like him too.  Also, an "immersive experience," whatever that was, seemed intriguing.  Finally, we'd marked our last two anniversaries with takeout.  Maybe it was time for a risk.        

So I ordered the tickets, and we embarked upon our day of, as the husband put it, "culture and COVID."  It goes without saying that we had a wonderful time, as evidenced by this pic of us posed at the café table in the gift shop.  An older couple took it for us after asking us to take one of them.  And yes, we whipped off our masks for the second or so it took to "click."  Like I said, risk ruled the day.

The first part of the exhibit was a room filled with texts about Van Gogh's life interspersed with empty picture frames for photo ops.  But the main event was an enormous room, which was first superimposed with Van Gogh's self portraits.  This was probably the most iconic, and my favorite:  

In some portraits he looked angry, in others old, and, yes, in one his head was bandaged because he'd cut off his ear.  Yet although his faces were both magnificent and haunting, part of me was wondering, is this it?  Then the colors shifted, filling the entire room, floor and all, with a breathtaking landscape.  I actually gasped, causing a teen sitting on the floor to shoot me a dirty look.  I scooted away, not wanting her to harsh my mellow. 

This painting and the many that followed jibed with one of my favorite blurbs from the previous room about Van Gogh's gift for making the ordinary extraordinary:

Not surprisingly, I liked the sunflowers best of all:

And then, of course, there was Starry Night.  Painted from Van Gogh's view from his room in the asylum, it epitomizes finding light in the dark:

People always think of Van Gogh as the crazy guy who cut off his ear and eventually took his own life, but Beyond Van Gogh shows us a hopeful, sensitive artist who never stopped believing in the power of his vision.  And that's beautiful.  

As is this pic of the husband at the entrance -- yes, playing up the auricular angle.  Check out that crazy casino carpet!  

This wouldn't be a Tote Trove post if I didn't 1) show off my gift shop buy (a scrunchie!) and 2) expound upon my outfit.  As we were leaving the immersion room, the docent (not sure if that's the right word for a casino showing, but whatevs) stopped me and asked, "Did you wear that sunflower barrette just for today?"  I nodded.  "And the dress, too?"  Again, I confirmed.  She smiled and then said, "Thank you."  I was a little embarrassed but nonetheless pleased.  

Necklace: The Tote Trove; Sunglasses: Party City; Flower clip: The Tote Trove; Bangles: B Fabulous; Ring: Mixit, JCPenney

Dress: So, Kohl's; Bag: Dancing Days, Banned, Modcloth

Flipflops: Katy Perry Collection (they smell like pineapples!)

Even after we left the Hard Rock, there was one more piece of art to see.  I was absolutely delighted by this colorful food hut, which I caught outside the window as we exited the city:

On the way home, we stopped for an outdoor meal at this blessedly deserted spot, followed by dessert at Rita's:

It was a lovely nine-year anniversary celebration, not to mention a lovely nine years.  

And maybe Van Gogh is a little bit like Dupree after all.  Misunderstood but following the beat of his own brilliant drum, riding Hokusai's waves out to sea.

Sunflowers snapped at the farm stand a couple of Sundays ago.

Monday, July 25, 2022

Every Dog Has its Stay: Fetch and Release

When I started reading Beth Morrey's The Love Story of Missy Carmichael, I felt like I'd read it before.  Elderly and alone, main character Missy is soured out on life.  She especially hates the people who frequent the local dog park and the way they pander to their pets.  Yet it's the park where she ends up making friends with a motley crew of strangers -- both human and otherwise -- who change her life.

Yep, no doubt about it, Missy is the male Ove.  As in Fredrik Backman's A Man Called Ove.  As I read on, I learned that the story even had some Backmanian twists.  Then I re-read the back cover and realized that this wasn't a brilliant observation on my part but something I'd gleaned from a review:

"Fans of Fredrik Backman and Rachel Joyce will enjoy this uplifting (but never saccharine) 'coming of old' story." -- Library Journal

Like Missy herself, this book requires a little patience.  For the first half, I wasn't even sure if I liked it.  Which in and of itself was problematic because it made me question if I was being a bad feminist.  Was A Man Called Ove really the better book?  Or was I merely more forgiving of an unlikeable man than an unlikeable woman?  Yet even if I don't have an answer to this, The Love Story of Missy Carmichael is worth reading.  If nothing else, then it reminds us that every unpleasant person has a sad secret and is deserving of our kindness.

That and a young pup can teach an old dog new tricks.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

How Slow Can You Go? Turtle Power

The husband is a huge fan of turtles, so when I saw these little guys on Amazon, I knew I had to snap them up.  Eventually, they'll be swimming along our blue bedroom walls.  But for now they're happily paddling through pink.  

Years ago, I got the husband this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figure, to commemorate our shared love of Leonardo:   

On our first date, we discovered that we both admired Leo's laidback, level-headed vibe.  Unlike Raphael, Leo got things done without being a jerk.  And unlike Michelangelo, he could be chill without being a slacker.

So maybe there's power in being the calm.  And in taking it easy, just like the tortoise and the hare (and the Eagles) taught us.     

As a procrastinator, I guess I can attest to that.

Because I bought these turtles three years ago.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Extension Invention: One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Hue Fish

Bag: Royal Monk, Modcloth

Barrettes: SHEIN

Yellow, orange, and red bangles: B Fabulous; Mint bangle: Decree, JCPenney; Royal blue bangle: So, Kohl's; Frosted blue bangle: Burlington Coat Factory; Metallic mint bracelet: H&M; Sunglasses: Wild Fable, Target

Dress: Wild Fable, Target

Shoes: Petite Jolie, Dolls Kill

Island Idle Necklace

Tank: So, Kohl's

Clip: Wild Fable, Target

Belt: Apostrophe, Sears

Bag: B&B, Ocean City; Sunglasses: Michaels; Bracelets: So, Kohl's; Chunky ring: Claire's; Parrot ring: Francesca's; Braided bracelet: Amrita Singh, Zulily; Necklaces: The Tote Trove

Dress: L'Amore by Nanette Lepore for JCPenney

Outer Banks Pranks Necklace

Shoes: Steve Madden, Macy's

Barrettes: Wild Fable, Target

Jacket: L'Amour by Nanette Lepore for JCPenney

Skirt: So, Kohl's

Flower clips: Capelli, ULTA; Bag: Amazon; Rhinestone ring: Express; Scroll and star bangles: B Fabulous; Royal blue bangle: So, Kohl's; Sunglasses: Amazon


Shoes: Naughty Monkey, Zulily

Sandals: Katy Perry Collection

Shoes: Aldo, Macy's

Fruit Fountain Necklace

Sunglasses: Wild Fable, Target; Bag: Delia's; Ring: Making Waves, Ocean City; Barrette: The Tote Trove; Red bangle: B Fabulous; Yellow bangle: Silver Lining, Ocean City; Beaded bracelets: So, Kohl's

Top: Candie's

Skirt: Wild Fable, Target

Sandals: Katy Perry Collection

Bag: Betsey Johnson, Zulily

Barrette: The Tote Trove; Sunglasses: So, Kohl's

Folksy Fruit Necklace

Dress: Derek Heart, Marshalls

When I saw the husband's brand-new, neon yellow extension cord in our backyard, I knew that it would be a prime picture prop.  And the day I wore my fish-print, L'Amour by Nanette Lepore for JCPenney dress was as good a time as any to use it.  L'Amour isn't even a thing anymore (well, the brand; love never goes out of fashion, ha ha), which gives you an idea how long I've had this aquatic frock and twinning jacket.  Anyway, I was excited to wear it (the dress, not the jacket; it was an oven out there!) to the post office.  They know me and are used to my getups, but the clerk who processed my package looked more amused than usual.  Staring at my illustrated mailer, she once asked if I was an artist, and I said, "I like to think so."  That seemed to amuse her too.  She'd bust a gut if I told her about the extension cord.

Speaking of which, it was the husband's idea to tie it around my waist while I struck a superhero pose.  I'd been content to stand demurely while it circled me on the ground.  But that's one of the things I love about him.  

He's never afraid to go there.