Monday, June 12, 2023

After the Fire, into the Fryer

Dress: Lily Rose, Kohl's; Sandals: Katy Perry Collection, Nordstrom Rack

Barrettes: SHEIN; Necklace: A super old Tote Trove favorite

Bag: Sugar Thrillz, Dolls Kill; Pink bangle: Who Says, Zulily; Striped bangle: B Fabulous; Strawberry bangle: Delia's; Ring: Claire's

Skirt: So, Kohl's; Bag: Mix No. 6, DSW; Shoes: Jessica Simpson Collection, DSW

Studded ring: Wet Seal; Green ring: Making Waves, Ocean City; Sunglasses: Nordstrom Rack, Beaded necklace: SHEIN; Flower Necklace: Dolls Kill; Bangle: XOXO, Ross; Pink bracelet: Amrita Singh, Zulily


Tissue paper: Spritz, Target

Dress: Who What Wear, Target

Bag: Circus by Sam Edelman, Kohl's; Shoes: CL by Chinese Laundry, JCPenney

Barrettes: Goody, Target; Necklace: Another Tote Trove oldie but (also, hehe) goody

After the Fire is a book by Belva Plain that I put to the side of the road along with all my other excess books before I moved almost six years ago.  I thought of it today because of the title of this post, which doesn't come from the book at all but from yesterday's 90-degree sun after the smoke finally cleared from the Canadian wildfires.  I was excited to put on a sundress (the red one in the first pic) to run errands because it felt like the first day of summer.  And also because I've only ever worn that dress layered over, of all things, a sweater. 

Some of our neighbors ended up taking those books.  I like to think that they read them, but the husband thinks they sold them on eBay.  Either way, I'm glad.

Because an abandoned book, unlike a banned or burned one, can always still tell a story.        


Ivy's Closet said...

Oh, you are the rainbow! Such lovely colors! Wonderful barrets indeed! Love the Shein top! Fabulous little details.💕🧁💕❤️We have had some cooler weather, but I expect more humidity on the way..because that's our summer in the heartland. Lots of humidity! I did make it back to the farmer's market and I did try the Mexican Street Corn. It was a treat!🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 I used to set books free and they would have a code and it was cool to find out just how far they might reach around the world. >>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your comments! Oh, I just keep coming back to the Beach House! I did a little writing with someone in the Fan story..although, I just like sticking to my own characters... All the best to a fabulous June🌈❤️🌈

ellie said...

At first I thought you might have gotten an airfryer..from the title!

So many lovely things in your wardrobe. I wore paisley with my paisley bag today..and I didn't even realize it until somebody told me at work. It is interesting that you remember the title to that book..yes, it's good to give books away. I remember as a kid some girl had given me a book that she loved when I went to visit her in the city. Of course, I can't even think of the title of that book, but I always thought it was a nice gesture. And I felt kind of bad because I didn't really have a favorite book at the time. We just didn't buy books when I was growing up on a farm. But there was the school library.

Looks like you are having a fabulous June! Love all the adorable things you are making too! Thanks so much for being here and hopefully, I didn't write too much about Yuki this week..

Caitlin&Megan said...

So many adorable things! Love the rainbow bag and shoes. Sweet sunshades too! Oh, the things you come up with! Fabulous color! Such a delightful post! And I haven't heard of that author for some time now. I will have to look that book up!💕🌈❤️🧁💙🧁❤️🌈💕Thanks so much for reading. It's amazing how far we are into the month of June. And I have to be thinking ahead to July...Hope you are getting through your bookshelf. You are making it the happiest of June with so many of your inspiring outfits! I guess we are going cosmic here. We now have telescopes you can check out at the library.🌃⭐✨⭐🌃

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Glad you finally got to wear a sun dress! It looks cute and screams summer!! We got home from Florida two days ago and thankfully missed the poor air quality from the Canadian fires. We did have to deal with a new route to avoid I95 around Cottman ave where the overpass collapsed. I absolutely love the blue checkd sun glasses! Great look!!

Samantha said...

These outfits are so summer fabulous and full of colorful fun!!! 🌈 I especially love that happy-face flower necklace, and it goes wonderfully with your fun top! It also made me happy to see my favorite purse of yours - the banana split one - and the cherry necklace! Shoutout to the Tote Trove oldies featured in this post. I wondered how things were going with you and the Canadian wildfire smoke over there; I'm glad the sun finally made an appearance and inspired a summer outfit! And it's always a nice feeling to give away books for others to discover. 📚💗

Jewel Divas Style said...

I've given books away to the op shops, or sold them at garage sales, etc, but I do regret giving some away. Amityville Horror and Gone with the Wind, especially. Can't get those 30-50 year old books back.