Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Barrettes and Cupcakes and Blueberries

Every now and then I like to post a pic that has nothing to do with the post.  Because I like to keep things fresh.  And also because I'm lazy.  

In that same vein, instead of doing reviews of the Lee Hollis cozy mysteries I recently read, I'm pasting the blurbs I posted on Instagram:

Death of a Cupcake Queen: They say that cat ladies are sad ladies, but sometimes dog ladies are sadder.  Something to chew on while you gobble this cupcake caper. 🐶🧁🐱

Death of a Blueberry Tart: Any character named Caskie Lemon-Hogg is destined for disaster.  Devour her demise along with your favorite blueberry dessert. 💙🥧🌿

Sometimes a soundbite is all you need.


Mica said...

These sounds like interesting books! I'm not usually a fan of mystery books though, but I like the illustrations and your snappy reviews :)

ellie said...

That is some character name, indeed! Now you are wanting me to have blueberry muffin..so I might have to settle for blueberry biscuits! Adoring your wonderful post!🫐🫐🫐🫐🫐🫐🫐🫐🫐🫐 Thank you so much for your comments. Oh, it was fun to take off somewhere else with Christmas happenings. Oh, it has been a ride this past week or so. He hasn't moved anywhere as of yet. He is lucky that he didn't land in the ICU. Of course, I have been thinking the whole cellulitis could have been an on set from having the congested heart. He will have to change many of eating habits. But bring in a snow storm and I feel a lot is on hold. Even a delay in the trash pick up.

Ivy's Closet said...

Oh, so fun! Oh my..such a pop of color in all those scrunchies! So adorable!

And reads that will keep you turning the page. Wishing you lots of fun this January with your reading list and much much more!

Winter has finally arrived in all its splendor. Honestly, I didn't need it this badly. Brrrr...it's cold out there..and expected to get colder. So of course, I have to write a little bit about Huck and Rachel 💕❄️❤️

Caitlin&Megan said...

I so enjoyed your post! I hope winter is being good to you and you are finding plenty of things to get to this winter. So glad you write about this author. What a fun character name, indeed! All the best to your January. It seems to be plunging through here..or is that just the snowplows I hear (✿◡‿◡)(✿◕‿◕✿) Thanks for being here. Wishing you all the best! Stay warm and cozy! Hopefully, I will get to all my stories❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I love the title of your post- I've never read Lee Hollis but then I'm not much of a fiction reader. Usually I prefer non-fiction.

Kinga K. said...

Look lovely :D

Samantha said...

"Any character named Caskie Lemon-Hogg is destined for disaster. Devour her demise along with your favorite blueberry dessert." LOOOOOL!!! That was brilliant! I enjoyed your soundbites, and your fabulous barrettes! 💝