Saturday, January 6, 2024

Hold the Phone: Birthdays of Today and Tomorrow

Dress: So, Kohl's; Bag: Sugar Thrillz, Dolls Kill

Flowers from my parents; they're the best!

Today is my 42nd birthday.  I have a head cold, so the celebration is on hold, but I decided to dress up for pics anyway.  Still, yesterday I got the best gift of all.  I found out that the husband and I are having a baby girl!  Back in September, when I first saw the pregnancy test, I was shocked.  Although the husband and I hoped for years, we knew that having a family might not be in the cards for us.  And then, once we (okay, I) stopped stressing, it was!  So that's why I believe that everything happens for a reason and when it's supposed to.  

It's exciting -- and scary! -- but mostly exciting, and I can't wait to meet our little girl in June.  I hope that we'll have the same unbreakable bond that's always been between my mom and me.  

So, thanks for reading and sharing in my news.  I've always been and will always be grateful for the kindness of this lovely community.  

And now I think I'll retire to the couch.  Because this mama is tired. 😏🎀👶


Samantha said...

OHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! MY!!!!!!!!!! GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I can't control my surprise and excitement for this post! Wow, wow, wow - where to begin? Firstly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRACY!!! Your birthday outfit is spectacular with the hot pink accents and lovely flower display from your parents. Your room layout is so fantastic, too! Lastly, CONGRATULATIONS on this exciting and wonderful news!!! I literally gasped and covered my mouth when I read it! I can only imagine how lovely and cute your little girl will be with a mom like you! What a true birthday gift; here's wishing you a fabulous new era of motherhood! (Side note: my mom was surprised to find out she was pregnant with me when she was 41, and had me at 42 also!) It's so true - everything happens for a reason and when it's supposed to! 🥰👶🎀💖

ellie said...

Congratulations! On so many counts! I am so happy for you guys! You look Marvelous! All the best to a beautiful 2024! Thanks so much for all your beautiful and positive inspiring posts!💕🎉💕🎉💕🎉

AN UPDATE: I was afraid it was Parkingson's with my husband, as the way he could not get up and how his head was turned in a certain way and how his body clenched. And at times he made no sense at all. I had tried to get him to go in for his cought, weeks ago, but he wouldn't go. And in the end when there was no way I could pick him up off the floor I did have to call 911 in the middle of night. Well, it is an awful case of Cellulitus. (I had wondered something of this early on by what was going on ..on his legs, but he'd said no and I was just silly to think something like that. In his case he was at the point of congested heart failure. So now he's in the hospital and maybe a few days in rehab getting back to normal. A few months back a friend of the family had this(and I had written about it in Caitlin & Megan) I found out yesterday a neighbor said her son had had it. Still, I don't know exactly the cause of it. It could have all started with a scratch. Still, I feel it might have to do with the body not being in the best immuned state after Covid..but I might be guessing a lot.(✿◡‿◡)(✿◕‿◕✿)
Here's to getting the rest you need and lots of good snacks for you and the little one!

bread&salt said...

Happy Birthday! Happy new year to you and your family.

Ivy's Closet said...

I'm so excited for you! Wishing you a beautiful 42 in 2024! Such a lovely birthday outfit. Wishing you lots of happiness! Thanks so much for being here. Thanks for your feedback and so much more! You are always so inspiring! Happy Birthday! Happy New Year!🎉❤️🎉❤️🎉🎉❤️🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉💕I did work at the library this weekend, but now I have the week off to try to get ready for what awaits. Of course, he doesn't remember anything. So many strange conversations and I'm still afraid he won't change his eating habits. And he hasn't been moving quite as fast as the nurses would like for him to.

Caitlin&Megan said...

Such great news! & a birthday too! Wow! Such a fantastic 2024 ahead! Wishing you the best in all things! Wishing you much love and happiness!💕🎉❄️💕❄️💕🎉 Waiting for a snow storm. It hasn't started yet. A chance to be snowed in.❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️Thanks again for your comments and all your positive inspiration!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

This is a wonderful post- so happy to hear and share in your amazing news for a little baby girl!!! Congratulations to your and your husband and enjoy this very happy birthday!!

The Tote Trove said...

Thank you all for your sweet words and wishes! They mean so much to me. It's especially reassuring to hear that there were -- and continue to be! -- other forty-something ladies out there expecting.😁🎀👶

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

My mom had me when she was 42 and I was her first child!

Jewel Divas Style said...

Naw! Happy birthday and congrats.

Roseann said...

Enjoyed viewing all the fabulous clothes and accessories as always. But my happiness cannot be contained upon hearing the announcement of your upcoming baby girl. No doubt whatsoever as to your mother/daughter bonding; extraordinary YOU will make that happen!