Skirt: Decree, JCPenney; Tights: Amazon
Sweater: BCX, Macy's
Shoes: Mix No. 6, DSW
Necklace: Simply Vera, Kohl's
Bag: Betsey Johnson, Amazon
Headband: Amazon; Sunglasses: Wild Fable, Target
Ring: Gifted
Skirt: Decree, JCPenney
Bag: Art Class, Target
Bow: Macy's
Boots: Impo, DSW; Tights: Betsey Johnson, Gifted
Sweater: Madden Girl, Kohl's
Skirt: Tinseltown, Kohl's
Shoes: Katy Perry, Zulily
Bag: Betsey Johnson, Gifted
Sweater: Forever and Ever, Kohl's
Bow: Kohl's
Conversation hearts are to Valentine's Day as candy canes are to Christmas. Sugary sweet and a labor to eat, but it's not a holiday without them. I love their rainbow pastels and their weird, chalky taste and their cheesy messages, right down to U R CUTE and TEXT ME. So of course my closet includes shoes, bags, and bows emblazoned with these loquacious confections.
It also includes a lot of red and pink, something I noticed when I started this valentine adventure. At first I thought, how will I wear it all? But then I reminded myself that it isn't a race and that there's always next year.
All of those clothes will still be as fresh.
As will those leftover conversation hearts.