Sunday, November 28, 2010

Something New and Sparkly: Pink Victorian Corsage Necklace

Pink Victorian Corsage Necklace

For Thanksgiving, I wanted to wear a kinder, gentler version of the oh-my-god-what-is-she-wearing necklaces featured in my signature go big or go home corsage line. So, I attached quaint paper roses in shades of mauve and even quainter ribbon roses to a small circle of felt (with my ever-trusty permanent adhesive glue) to create a demure corsage. A few classy faux pearls later, and I was confident enough to give my creation a moniker including the word "Victorian." It was a hit at Thanksgiving dinner. "It's . . . smaller than your others," commented my mother. "And richer looking." Sounds like I achieved the desired refined effect. If the mood strikes, then I just may whip up a whole hoop skirt's worth of these to post in my Made to Order Necklaces section.

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