Coat: So, Kohl's
I'm kicking off this post with a very cheesy -- but very necessary! -- line: so many plaids, so little time. Because I was so excited about my new pair of plaid minis that I decided to build not one but two looks around each.
First up is this purple skirt in an outfit we'll call "funky fur." The skirt is preppy, but the color is kooky, and that's the part I decided to run with. More mushrooms and My Little Ponies, please!
Yellow Garden Necklace
Top: Delia's, Dolls Kill
Barrettes: Dolls Kill
Bag: Amazon
Next is the same skirt styled in a more scholarly yet fairy kei way. Looks like "pastel prep" to me!
Sweater: So, Kohl's
Ring: (old school) Delia's; Barrettes: Dolls Kill; Mint bangle: Decree, JCPenney; Yellow bangle: B Fabulous
Skirt: Almost Famous, Kohl's
Sweater: Pink Republic, Macy's
And that brings us to my second skirt, this colorful flared affair from Delia's for Dolls Kill.
But first, a little tangent.
A year or so ago, I bagged up some clothes to donate, shoved them in a closet, and promptly forgot about them. I wasn't about to haul them off to Goodwill with COVID still surging. But I recently went into that closet to get something else, saw the bag there, and thought, I wonder . . .
I don't have to tell you that I was soon surrounded by a colorful sea of my so-called castoffs. Rifling through those garments -- even the hideous ones -- gave me a lot of joy. There were even a few pieces that were still kind of nice. This is how hoarders get started, I thought, examining an almost brand-new pair of chocolate flats I'd once deemed too small. I set them aside; I could make them work with pantyhose. I also rescued a cutout black sweater that I could probably get away with over a tee shirt, a floral red button-down perfect for Zoom meetings, and, finally, the maroon, blue, and mustard sweater I'm sporting in this ensemble. At the time, I thought the colors were too drab or collegiate. But after fishing it out of the bag, I remembered how much I liked the fit and considered reinventing it with a bright bottom. Enter this sunshiney plaid number! When the husband snapped my pic in it, he said I looked like I was ready to head to Riverdale, which I loved. Even though to me the vibe was more Mean Girls.

Green bracelet: Parade of Shoes; Blue bracelet: Cloud Nine, Ocean City; Ring: Making Waves, Ocean City
Skirt: Delia's, Dolls Kill
Tights: Isadora, Zulily
Finally, I curated the same skirt in a different way, with an oversized pastel sweater and eclectic accessories. The leopard pumps were another near-discard; they're a little big, which is why I'm rocking socks. And then there are my crooked cobalt tights. What is it about vertical-striped stockings, anyway?! Sometimes the stars align and everything falls where it's supposed to. But more often than not, no amount of twisting and untwisting can correct a configuration that's woefully catawampus, and I feel as uncoordinated as a kid who can't tie her shoes. That's why I'm dubbing this outfit "unkempt kitsch." It's a not-so-subtle reminder that things don't have to be perfect to be pretty.
Which is as good a mantra as any for this recovering perfectionist.
Bag: Betsey Johnson, Macy's
Flower barrette: Etsy; Bow barrette: Carole, JCPenney
Shoes: Journeys, Kohl's
Spider necklace: SHEIN; Love bangle: Boscov's; Choker: Mixit, JCPenney; Small bracelet: Cloud Nine, Ocean City; Large bracelet: Mixit, JCPenney; Barrettes: SHEIN