Sunday, March 29, 2020

A Room of My Own: Part 2

If my closet is a tranquil retreat, then my craft room is a cave of chaos.  Just kidding.  It's pretty tranquil there, too.  I spend many a happy hour soaking in its colorful comfort, making stuff and watching TV.  This is what I look like when I'm at it:

Very different from my coiffed pics, I know.  The husband took the first and third outfit pics just this past week.  There was something kind of funny about changing out of my quarantine couture (i.e., pjs) into real clothes, makeup and all, then scrubbing my face and putting my pjs back on.  Funny and satisfying, like I had the best of both worlds.  And like I was putting something over on the world, too.  

Remember our pal Tammy Torso?  My true blue (and red and yellow and green . . .) outfit model?  Now that I photograph my outfits on the floor (and on myself), she's joined the ranks of the retired.  Which means that she gets to live a life of leisure next to my stock boxes, forever clad in two crinolines and an old crop top that never quite fit.    

No doubt about it, having a room (or two) of one's own is sweet.  That's why Cheryl is so upset when her she-shed burns down in that Allstate commercial.  I know that I'm super grateful for my rooms and all the peace they give me.    

Because every woman needs a place where she can hide out from the world for awhile.  

And also stash her mannequin.


sonia // daring coco said...

Oooh I love your craft room. I love the colours and I can only imagine how nice it would be to have a space that you can just create in. I definitely believe creative's need their own space and room to just create. My living situation means I don't have that kind of space and it's been really hard to stay motivated and inspired. Taking photos or just spreading out notes around my laptop and leaving them there for weeks on end is something I miss most.


Samantha said...

Your craft room is truly a work of art; I'm in awe of the bursting colors and what a creative atmosphere it creates!! I love spotting all of your creations around the room. Your outfits totally fit with environment! It's cool to see you at work, in the midst of creating your stunning accessories. :) What a fairytale craft room!!

Jewel Divas Style said...

Forget living in your room, I want to live in your house!

If only I could have a set up like this, but that just ain't going to happen.