Sunday, August 14, 2022

The Desk Clerk's Day Off

Top: Candie's, Kohl's

Yellow flower clip: Capelli, ULTA; Coral flower clip: Kohl's

Necklace: Gifted

The Desk Clerk's Day Off sounds like a really good indie flick or a super annoying cartoon.  As with most things in life, my story probably falls somewhere in the middle.

Not long ago, I was dressed for a Zoom meeting when the husband said I looked like a Hawaii hotel clerk.  To be fair, I was behind my laptop at the time, and he followed it up by saying I looked very cute.  It was enough to make me want to capture this "throwaway" outfit -- or perhaps I should say half an outfit, because the bottom portion of my meeting attire is always pajama pants.  So after I logged off for the day, we took pics against this tranquil blue backdrop.  And yes, I'm closing my eyes in the last one to show off my not-quite-new mint e.l.f. eyeshadow: 

As for the hibiscus pics, they're from when we lived in Brigantine.  I must've known that I'd eventually need them for a tropical shirt shoot!

Finally, if I never know what the husband is going to say, then I definitely never know what he's going to bring home.  Check out these white plums and canary fruit he picked up yesterday:

He stylishly staged them on one of his handmade cutting boards.  Because artsy-craftsy DIY -- and self promotion -- run in this family! 

Oh man, maybe this is a cartoon after all.     


ellie said...

Such a wonderful updo with those flowers! A perfect character outfit for that Hawaiian drama! Lovely top 🌸💗🌸💗

Some very colorful fruit and veg he brought in too. Oh, those plums never last long at our house! Awesome cutting board ❤️💖🍥 >>>>>>>>>> on another note, I have been searching for a new "Koda" I'm afraid. I just can't seem to find any down-to-earth Conan Gray photos anymore.

Hollyn'Stevie said...

Such excellent ideas that hubby has! I hope he knows what to do with that very large vegetable too. I know I wouldn't. Perfect look for your zoom meeting. Lovely flowers! So great to see! Love the hair💗🌸💗🌸💗🌸💗🌸Thanks so much for your comments. Oh, Stevie does have his hands full, even with his parents.

Cherry Blossoms said...

Such a great title! Love the necklaces! Awesome "elf" eyeshadow too. Oh, how I love ELF! Such a fun post🌸💗🌸

Ivy's Closet said...

The Desk Clerk! does sound like a great indie film! Such great color! Your outfit and the hubby finding those plums! I hope they were good.💕💗💕💗💕 Oh, well...I do have one more example to share about the 'friends' reaction. Tomorrow's has a little bit more 'drama' to it. It's based on the first couple in my so called 'couples' which met at the laundry mat. Someday I will get back to A Face in the Crowd. Thanks so much for you comments. Hopefully, I will find some books to talk about too.

The Book Group said...

Such beautiful colors on you! Love the photos of the flowers too. Amazing cutting board as well. Oh, such a delightful post! Wishing you an amazing week and some good daydreams of being that desk clerk in Hawaii🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸💗💗💗💗💗

Caitlin'nMegan said...

Thank you so much for your comments! I love this Hawaiian-inspired outfit! Beautiful blues and reds! Love the hair!>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks again for being here. I am glad that Bea and Hope are taking the time to be that friend for Tori. It can be like living in a Lost World especially when you don't watch the news. Although, many of us don't want to watch the news these days. Of course, I have to get back to the Nic&Tristan apartment drama..=)

The Exclusive Beauty Diary said...

These flowers are so beautiful and I like how you make your hair. You look so elegant and gorgeous.

Samantha said...

That is the cutest outfit and very Hawaiian indeed!! Love how your husband said you looked like a Hawaii hotel clerk - I can see it! I'm glad you decided to show this "throwaway" outfit because it's super cute. The pale blue wall makes for a stunning photoshoot backdrop that matches your outfit completely! And of course, the hibiscus flower is the perfect tie-in. Your Elf eyeshadow is very pretty too...everything about this look is just amazing! Lastly, the fruit pic looks awesome against the cutting board; that too is a stunning piece of work. You two are definitely the artsy-craftsy DIY power couple!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

What! you don't live in Brigantine anymore? I love light blue and reds - such a pretty combo. The outfit is great! I love th eye shadow and I just bought a similar pallet in minty shades of green too which I took on our vacation to Bethany Beach this week.! Your husbands cutting board is beautiful and quite impressive that he made it himself. He should be proud!!

Jewel Divas Style said...

I love a good hibiscus print. So tropical and beachy.