Sunday, May 19, 2024

Viva la Meutre Mystère: An American in Distress

I see London, I see France, I see some girl's underpants.

Well, not really.  But almost.

On that uncouth note, here goes my review of Leslie Meier's second-to-most-recent Lucy Stone mystery, Mother of the Bride Murder.  When Lucy hears that her oldest daughter is engaged to a wealthy Frenchman, she's over the moon and convinces the whole family to flock to France for the big day.  But once in croissant country, even the blissed-out mother-of-the-bride-to-be can't deny that there's something strange about Jean-Luc's family and their creepy chateau.  Then Lucy's grandson goes fishing and hooks the body of what looks like, well, a hooker.  The Stones become suspects faster than you can say sacré bleu, detained at the chateau with nothing to do but try to figure out whodunit.

Over the years, I've noticed that Meier has a knack for stripping accounts of glam getaways to their grim guts, and Mother of the Bride Murder is no different.  It echoes and even references the unfortunate events of her French Pastry Murder, serving as a not-so-subtle reminder that international travel isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Then again, neither is marrying a dude who puts the "harm" in "prince charming."


Ivy's Closet said...

Oh, you so have a way with words! Thanks for this smile this that about Harm in are giving me the giggles. Such fun to read your reviews...especially about mysteries!

ellie said...

That is hilarious about the "Hooker" and much much more. I am so glad you are fond of this mystery author!💕🧁🍓🍧🌈🍧🍓🧁💕 Thanks so much reading and your comments. Yes, I perhaps change things up more than I should and it seems to be a spring of wayward thoughts. Although, I think back of many of a friend, a student, possibly even a neighbor who were a lot like Rafe. But of course, everyone is trying to find their own way. Naturally, it is always the thought how one chapter got to the next one before you knew it. Hope you are staying well and reading lots of wonderful books. All the best to your steps and counting calories! All the best being the beautiful you!

Caitlin'nMegan said...

Oh, yes..International Travel would be something I wouldn't take lightly. This does sound like an offbeat and fun mystery. You do know how to find them. So good to read your review. Hope the spring is lovely there. We have had rain..and it's plush again! Seriously, this is the time for back yard camping..but that's only a thought. I never liked camping. By June, just too many bugs and waaaaay too much humidity. Meanwhile, just check ups at the dentist and I have been making mini almond cookies in my countertop mini donut maker. They are very low sugar, not very pretty, but very tasty! 💕🧁🧁🧁🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓Oh, and I finally found someone for Cleo!

Samantha said...

What a neat read!! The cover is so cutesy amidst the macabre. 💖✨ I love the concept of grim and glam coming together for an eyebrow-raising mystery. And what a fishing find! 👀🎣