Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Game Show Inspo: What's in a Name?

They say that a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.  And maybe they're right.  But when it came to our baby girl, the name was very important.  Maybe that's why it took the husband and me so long to pick one.  Oh, we each had our favorites, lobbying hard for the admittedly sometimes ludicrous front runners.  But it wasn't until we were watching Wheel of Fortune (why, I don't know, except that it follows Jeopardy!) and heard a contestant introduced as Charlotte that we looked at each other and knew.  Feminine and timeless, Charlotte had just the right ring.  What's more, our girl would be in good pop culture company.  After all, there was Charlotte from Sex and the City, Charlotte's Web, Charlotte BrontΓ«, and last but certainly not least, Good Charlotte.  As for Rose, it just seemed to flow.  Also, there are a lot of Roses in my family.  Not to mention The Golden Girls' Rose Nylund.

So, Charlotte Rose, if you someday find yourself singing along to "Lifestyles of the Rich and the Famous," reading Jane Eyre, rescuing spiders, and/or debating whether to be on Team Mr. Big or Team Aiden, then Daddy and I will know that we've done our duty.

Just as if you unironically watch Wheel of Fortune, we'll wonder where we went wrong.


ellie said...

Oh, how sweet. One of my dearest childhood friend's name is Charlotte. Adoring the post. It made me smile!

Ivy's Closet said...

This is the cutest! So love how this art turned out! Thanks for the wonderful story about someone's name. So awesome. When you mention Wheel of Fortune it made me think of a little one yelling that at the library today because he wanted to spin the wheel at the children's summer reading program desk.

I hope you guys are doing well and listening to your favorite playlist. It might come in handy some day when someone is grumpy. When I reminded you of this months wasn't exactly for you..but somebody else..can you guess who? My youngest is actually the most musically inclined and we listened to lots of tunes during that pregnancy. He also would calm down from the instrumentals we had listened to before birth too. 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈In other news I found someone to RP with. Hopefully, we will be a match. I had no idea he's a Canadian guy. We shall see what develops..and I like the far..

Caitlin'nMegan said...

Wonder to know where her name came from. Oh, I love the nursery. My favorite colors! So glad to see your post. Wishing you all a beautiful July and more.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

It was meant to be and it is such a beautiful name! Thank you for explaining how you picked the name. It is always fascinating to me how someone picks the name that will become us for the rest of our lives! European Jewish families, we usually pick a name after a deceased family member to give to keep their name alive. In the Middle Eastern Jewish community, grandparents who are alive are usually honored by giving their name. Regardless, Charlotte Rose is such a feminine absolutely beautiful name.

Samantha said...

I loved reading about how you both came up with her name!! It truly sounds timeless, and I like how you tied it in with modern pop culture, too. The floral decorations and cursive name you have over the headboard is absolutely STUNNING!!! 🌷🌹

ellie said...

I hope you guys are doing well and July brings lots of sweet times. I on the other hand have pluries (which I possibly can't spell) due to all the coughing..perhaps. Thankfully, the meds are helping. Just when I thought things were better and to find someone who wanted to write with me..then this. Always something. But I don't feel like a knife is stabbing my right boob..the pain sometimes would move to my back..only a little tender now. Stay healthy. I am trying..really.