Coat: Jou Jou, Macy's
Gloves: So, Kohl's
Sweater: Nine West, Kohl's
Candy Cluster Barrette Brooch
Yellow top: Merona, Target
We all have our holiday high points. You know. Baking, decorating, cards. Maybe even carols, ice skating, and/or a gag gift exchange. My focus has been on wrapping presents, as well as reading Christmas novels and coming up with festive outfits. Which makes sense given my still-bare Christmas tree. It wasn't until tonight that I lifted the lid off the first storage box of decorations. Not these, but aren't they fun?

Anyway, as I arranged some knickknacks around the fireplace, I couldn't help but think that it was beginning to look a lot like Christmas -- at least until I ran into a cave's worth of spiderwebs and thought, more like Halloween! Not that I was surprised; I'm no housekeeper. Oh, I do what I have to, but to me, sweeping away the handiwork of arachnids falls somewhere between the to-do list of a Victorian maid and a '50s housewife. Still, the dust-choked filaments served as a reminder that all was not as it should be -- and, indeed, seldom is. I guess that's why I liked this passage in Leslie Meier's Christmas Cookie Murder:
"Lucy flopped on her back and stared at the ceiling, gray in the dim light from the hall nightlight. Above its smooth blankness, she knew, was a jumble of wires and insulation, a century's worth of dust, insect colonies and, no doubt, families of mice. Tinker's Cove was the same, she thought, a quaint little fishing town with a drug problem." (182)
We're all harboring webs and insects and rodents (although hopefully not in the form of narcotics). Some of us are just better at keeping them hidden -- whether in clean houses or behind other fronts.
On an, ahem, lighter note, despite getting a late start on my decorating, I made it a point to check out the lights at nearby Smithville. That's where I am in the first pic. If you're from across the country or world instead of here in South Jersey, then suffice it to say that Smithville is a faux old-timey shopping village with a big lake and an inn.

It was crowded and raining a little. But seeing the sparkly reds and greens gave me all the old Christmas feels.
Unlike those spiderwebs.