I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Halloween mysteries are full of tricks and treats. And that's especially true of the two I just gobbled: Leslie Meier's Candy Corn Murder and Lee Hollis's Death of a Wicked Witch. Both involve vehicular homicide, although not in the way you'd imagine, as well as, of course, festive food.
In Candy Corn Murder, a local is stuffed in a car trunk in the middle of Tinker Cove's pumpkin-catapulting competition. (There's also a guess-how-many-candy-corns-are-in-the-canister contest.) In Death of a Wicked Witch, Bar Harbor's boo-tiful new sandwich artist bites the big one by being gassed in her own Wicked 'Witches food truck.
Like Joanne Fluke, Lee Hollis sprinkles in recipes, and in Death of a Wicked Witch, they're all for sandwiches (hoagies and grinders, hoagies and grinders!). Witch Which always makes me wonder. Are they there to serve as a delicious distraction, or for the deeper purpose of offering life-affirming balance to the bone-chilling murder? You know, kind of like how people bring cakes and casseroles when someone dies. Then again, like those cakes and casseroles, these subs and clubs have enough fat to end someone's life instead of sustaining it.
These are the things that keep me up at night. That and the BLTs.
Oh, these mysteries can make you hungry and wonder what's really missing from your life. I made banana pudding for someone's birthday yesterday, and if they knew condensed milk, regular milk and whipping cream was in it..well, they might not have wanted it so badly. I so love your last line too!🎃🍁🎃🍁🎃🍁🎃🍁🎃🍁🎃🍁🎃🍁Finally an autumn chill in the air here! The Autumn wind has come. And some rain too. Delightful Hoodie weather for many! Thanks for your comments. Thanks for picking up on what a sweet guy Cade is and what Rafe has a lot to learn. But maybe he's maturing. Although, I doubt Lily's thoughts of being adored are numbered. It always takes us a while to realize the ME factor doesn't always get the real picture, sometimes. Speaking of which I had some fangirl who loves some other member "Hendric" who is in the same band of the faceclaim Boone is in and she was going on how much she hated Lucas/Boone. Anyway, I am all about Boone the character and not that guy in a boyband. (✿◡‿◡)(✿◕‿◕✿)(✿◡‿◡) Happy Weekend! Thanks for the reviews. Just what I needed!
Always fun to have these read to make October even better. Yes, those trick and treats! I always remember when I read one about the killer Fruitcake. Let's say I was very suspicious of the monster fruit cake my mother sent us at Christmas. It was homemade. She insisted we had to eat it. It had been sitting in Mogen David for 3 months. So I had to take a picture of somebody eating it. I just couldn't handle it.🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁 Hope you are having lots of fun this October! Thanks for being here. All the best to a great October!
I had to laugh at the BLTs. Although, I think I could go for one..from breakfast til midnight. But I seldom do. These sound like fun October reads. I love your reviews. So witty. They always make me smile! Of course, your comments make me smile too. Oh, Nic and Liv. Nic and Felicity..ummm..yes, I did my best to distinguish between Liv and her doppleganger. Liv's got the younger pics while Felicity has the older ones. Also, they are each in different milestones of their lives too...so I hope I can keep the story together. And that nugget of truth that Mona hates Liv might not ever come Nic's mind. But maybe. And instead of dwelling on the wedding couple, I liked thinking of all who were there, dancing. And it felt fitting that Bren saved the last dance for Rico. Thanks so much for reading and commenting!
What perfect, cozy reads for the Halloween season!! 👻 "...these subs and clubs have enough fat to end someone's life instead of sustaining it." LOL!!!
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