Sunday, December 12, 2010

Trim the Tree With Tiny Totes

I had so many tiny Christmas totes that I thought, why not hang them on the tree? So I did, not a little haphazardly. Cheerful, huh? That's a brand-spanking new fake, pre-lit tree, by the way. The bf and I had to wrestle two other couples to the ground in the Home Depot parking lot last weekend to get it. Not really. But it was the only one left, and there were two other couples interested in it. It was the opened, sort of busted-up box that clinched it for us, though (thank goodness, as our physical prowess isn't what it used to be). Is it broken? Why did someone return it? wondered the others, hemming and hawing as they accosted various orange-aproned employees to inquire if there were any others in the back room (There were not.). It was in the midst of this melee that we made off with our prize. I'd already decided that I didn't care if the lights didn't work; for $50, we'd throw on a few strands ourselves if we had to.

Thankfully, it didn't come to that.

That last picture features my enchanted tree grove. Yes, that's what I call it, much to the bf's amusement. But what better moniker is there for a forest bedecked in tinsel, Christmas balls, feathers, and sequins, I ask you? My only regret is that I didn't spring for more trees.

I hope all of you are having as much fun decorating as I am.

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