Friday, July 12, 2024

Rebecca Serle's Mother of Pearl Pearls of Wisdom

I picked up Rebecca Serle's One Italian Summer during a Target run last September, but it remained on my bookshelf for months.  Although it was much-buzzed-about, I just wasn't ready for a mother-daughter tearjerker.  But after I read Lee Hollis's (highly entertaining and enjoyable) Death of a Lobster Lover, I was ripe for something serious.

And losing your mother is as serious as it gets.

That's what happens to thirty-year-old Katy Silver in this novel.  Her mother was her best friend, so when she dies, Katy's world crashes.  Now she's questioning everything, including her marriage.  Heartbroken and lost, she embarks on the Italian vacation that she and her mother planned to take together.  Positano turns out to be postcard-perfect.  Katy is spellbound, getting to know her mother in a new way by exploring the city she loved.  Then the unthinkable happens when Katy sees her mother at her hotel, in the flesh and thirty years younger.  What follows is an unorthodox and haunting jaunt down memory lane.  I didn't love or even agree with all of it.  Yet although some parts were problematic, what I initially thought of as a clumsy conceit ultimately gave me chills.  

Thought-provoking and moving, One Italian Summer was sometimes difficult for this daughter and, now mother, to read.  

Still, it was well worth the detour.


ellie said...

These kinds of novels can be unsettling even if the characters draw you. It does have a great backdrop. Yet the emotion lingers and not perhaps what you wanted. And after a while we don't want to put ourselves through this. Thanks for the wonderful review. Thank you for your comments too. Yes, maybe I have been having too much breaking up characters myself. And sometimes, I wondered if I was too preachy with the evils of the 4th. But as they say life is a bit of a rollercoaster. & my summer has had its faults. I guess it's been RSV all along. So I've gotten to know steroids as of late. I finally got in about my left hand middle finger trigger finger..and got a steroid shot. 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Wishing you lots of sweet moments everyday.

Ivy's Closet said...

Very good to see your review! Sometimes, you wonder how did the author do this to us exactly. It seems this author has a way of bringing the past to the present. Great review. So good to see it. 💙💙💙💙💙💙❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I will confess I was excited to have someone to write with for a while. Although, I'm not one to beg in such a matter. But sort of a challenge perhaps. And over the years I have been honored to write with a few writers I have met online. My best was with a mystery writer who I so in hopes would be published write now and another a fantasy writer who was in the brink of a divorce at the time and everything I was writing she opposed to as if I knew more about the divorce than she told me..which well, it was kind of sad, but sometimes it's like that. And then all the so-called RP on Urstyle needs more style in my opinion of actually taking more action. And yes, my try with Steph was just neausating. I knew it wouldn't last that long with Ben anyhow. I felt he needed someone to coax him along. Honestly, if you feel something for your character I don't think you actually need a writing partner, but I guess I'm old school. Yet, I felt our writing styles were compatible and yes, we did get into some tight spots even if he probably won't write part nine...I will. I think he wrote everything in a text on his phone, anyway. I have been posting Wade and Ren on the weekends.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

OMG. I don't usually like novels but you really had me going with this one. I might even give it a read !

Samantha said...

Sounds like a captivating yet surreal read!! ❤️📚 What a fascinating concept!

Caitlin'nMegan said...

So happy you could finish it. Oh, it is an emotional time for your! But glad you can read some! This month Pan finds out the truth from Wade..just a heads up..just wanted to let you know. Although, I have to wonder if I'm moving too quickly on some storylines.