Thursday, August 22, 2024

Cash Crash: Flash in the Pan and Clash in the Clan

"What would you do if you won the lottery?" is a question we've all asked ourselves.  And that's the what-if that Elyssa Friedland explores in her latest novel, Jackpot Summer.  In the wake of mourning their mother, three of the four Jacobson siblings play the Powerball and win.  Loaded lawyer Matthew opted out (his wife, also a lawyer, quipped that the lottery is a tax on stupid people), setting the stage for some serious drama.  Because although stay-at-home-mom Laura, art teacher Sophie, and tech support freelancer Noah struggled before they hit it big, the windfall means that their troubles are only beginning.

With a focus on family and the virtues of middle class life, Jackpot Summer is a light-hearted but pointed reminder to count your blessings as well as your pennies.


ellie said...

This one looks fun..but with a lot of insight. 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈😁😊❤️ So good to see your review! It does look like a fun summer read. I did get the sensor. Although, it is from the company from my stick test..and it is just a 2 week test to see if I really need insulin. Madonna would say..I'm on the borderline. With so many appointments..I am hoping I won't be behind in my writing. It has definitely been a summer of twists and turns in so many thinks..even the presidential race. Wishing you looks of happiness. All the best to your family❤️ P.S..thank you for reading and your comments!

Caitlin'nMegan said...

Oh, this does look interesting. I have often wondered what might happen..but of course, just a fantasy in my head if I had the lottery.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Sounds like a fun read. When I dream about winning the lottery, I end up giving most of it away but not until I buy a bigger condo in Florida! So funny

Samantha said...

What a cute concept for a story!! I also love the cover - such a cute illustration style! The fact that the characters each have such a different lifestyle background I'm sure makes it all the more interesting! 💛📖💙