Skirt: Celebrity Pink, Marshalls; Bag Nine West, Ross
Tights: Worthington, JCPenney
Top: Say What?, JCPenney
Shoes: Mix No. 6, DSW
Maple Mix Barrette Brooch
Cardigan and tee: So, Kohl's; Shoes: Jessica Simpson, DSW
Necklace: The Tote Trove
Love bangle: Boscov's; Black bangle and flower ring: Mixit, JCPenney; Pink bracelet: Crown & Ivy, Belk
Skirt: Wild Fable, Target
Bag: Betsey Johnson, Macy's
Sunglasses: Target; Big necklace: INC, Macy's
Tights: HUE, Amazon
Top and skirt: LC Lauren Conrad, Kohl's
Shoes: LC Lauren Conrad, Kohl's
Belt: Belt is Cool, Amazon; Floral bangle: Zulily; Black bangle: Petite Sophisticate; Zigzag bangle: Bloomingsales Florist and Gift Shop; Other bangles: Mixit, JCPenney; Heart ring: Delia's; Bag: LC Lauren, Kohl's
Skirt: Wild Fable, Target; Top: Decree, JCPenney; Headband: INC, Macy's
Shoes: Jessica Simpson, Amazon
Blazer: The Limited
Bag: Betsey Johnson, Amazon
Lipstick: Revlon ColorStay Matte Crayon, Mile High, Walgreens
Tights: HUE, Amazon
Kimono: LC Lauren Conrad, Kohl's
Scrunchie: So, Kohl's; Pink necklace: H&M; Other necklace: The Tote Trove
Bag: Ella & Elly, Zulily; Bangles: Mixit, JCPenney; Ring: Express
Sweater: So, Kohl's; Jeans: Universal Threads, Target
Boots: UNIONBAY, Kohl's; Bag: Princess Vera, Kohl's
Necklaces: The Tote Trove. Also, the best -- or worst -- in photobombing, courtesy of the husband.
Dress: LC Lauren Conrad, Kohl's
Bags: LC Lauren Conrad, Kohl's
Cream bangle: Mixit, JCPenney; Coral bangle: Silver Linings, Ocean City; Pink: Don't Ask, Zulily
Boots: LC Lauren Conrad
Sunflowers and roses aren't really for fall, even if these golds and fuchsias are. But then again, by most people's standards, it's not even fall anymore anyway -- it's Christmas! Leave it to me to go all in on autumn just as everyone else is hauling out holly.
Speaking of the holidays, the great shopping ban of (a very small portion) of 2022 has ended! Blame it on the biggest shopping season of the year or on my having willpower as weak as flat root beer, but I made it a whole three months until I caved and bought the above LC Lauren Conrad dress, boots, and bag to wear for Thanksgiving. Still, brief as it was, the exercise gave me a chance to style what I had in new ways and also to be a more sensible splurger (the words "sensible" and "splurger" being, of course, relative). But best of all, my new outfit inspired me to make this Big Pink Bow Barrette Brooch, a variation on the necklaces I used to churn out years ago:
While I was thinking pink, I decided to try a new lipstick too, namely this Revlon ColorStay Matte Lite Crayon in Mile High. Although I was hesitant to sub out my usual (also Revlon) Super Lustrous Creme Cherries in the Snow, I have to admit that this Barbie shade's a nice alternative. Also, bonus of bonuses, it tastes a tiny bit like birthday cake frosting.
So here's to celebrating summer flowers all fall. And to pushing off the poinsettias -- at least until January.