Monday, December 26, 2022

So This Was Christmas

Christmas Eve in my tropical snowman sweater.

The half-frozen river in front of the seafood market where we caught (okay, bought) Christmas Eve dinner.

Maxi-ing out on leopard for Christmas Day at my sister's.  

Two of my PinkBopp rings.  I wear the Christmas one every December, but this year I thought why not wear the rose one too?  It was perfect for the neon Noel vibe I had going, and my three-year-old niece got a kick out of it. 

And, finally, my day-after-Christmas bargain from Michaels.  (And yes, for some reason, more red leopard.)  

Because every house needs a Santa head with candy canes coming out of it.

Just as every winter-averse woman needs to keep the holiday magic going as long as she can.  

Santa's sleigh may be sleeping 'til next year, but here at The Tote Trove, Christmas is just getting started. 😀🎄🍬


camdandusler said...

Lovely details, thanks for your sharing...

ellie said...

Oh, you do have some great Christmas outfits! So now I know when to wear the red leopard! Love boots too. Looks like you guys had plenty of ice to go around too. Hope you are all staying warm and cozy!

Caitlin'nMegan said...

Such a festive time! Love the rings! Adoring those sweaters too! Yes, most definitely a great time to wear a maxi with this frightfully cold weather we are having! Happy Holidays!

Ivy's Closet said...

Wow! Such lovely and Holiday outfits! Great Candy Cane display too! Such cool boots! Looks like a very fun time! All the best for the holidays! You are so inspiring!

bread&salt said...

OMG Pink Bobb rings look so cute and lovely. Merry Christmas to you dear friend. Happy and healthy 2023. Greetings.

Samantha said...

So many festive goodies here!!! The tropical snowman sweater is so CUTE! The half-frozen river photos look like a winter wonderland. The red leopard print dress is such a cool look (I don't think I've ever seen red leopard print!) and the neon green accent is perfect for Christmas. I was delighted to see the rings I made right next to each other, and they go so well with your neon ensemb'! Lastly, the red leopard sweater is strikingly elegant; the perfect backdrop against the Santa head with candy canes. Love these Christmas looks!🎅💚