Sunday, April 16, 2023

Spring Fling: No Small Feat

Skirt: Amazon; Bag: Francesca's 

Top: So, Kohl's

Bag: LC Lauren Conrad, Kohl's; Skirt: Forever 21

Top: New York & Company

Shoes: Jessica Simpson Collection, DSW

Candy Gram Slam Necklace

Top: So, Kohl's

Shoes: Zulily; Socks: Amazon

Jacket: Candie's, Kohl's

Bag: Dolls Kill

Spring is the best.  There are few things more uplifting than seeing the first daffodil after the snow or the first day you realize that you can wear short sleeves and sandals.  They're magical, those firsts, because they mean that the world's waking up.  But the thing about that is that sometimes waking up's hard to do.

Every spring, I drag my feet about giving myself a pedicure.  I put it off as long as I can, covering my unsightly toes in flats or cowboy boots on those rare days when I venture out to run errands.  Maybe you're thinking, come on, your feet can't be that bad.  But they are.  I've been wearing heels for more than twenty-five years, and all that abuse takes a toll.  That said, the thing that puts a stop to my procrastination is my annual dermatologist visit.  If I don't want to look at my untamed tootsies, then I certainly don't want my doc looking at them, because really, isn't her job hard enough?  So soon it'll be pumice and polish time, my cuticles camouflaged by a thick coat of crimson, a.k.a. Cherries in the Snow.  And once I'm done, I'll think not too bad, and wonder what all the fuss was about.

So thanks, Revlon, for taking the bummer -- if not the bunions -- out of summer.


camdandusler said...

Colorful post , loved... thanks for your sharing...

ellie said...

So awesome! Love that necklace! Beautiful florals! Love that jacket! We had had some warm days last week, then a storm came up Friday night with a great rain and caused a major chill. Even some snow and rain the next day. It was definitely no time to put that sweater and sweatshirt away.

Oh, I do love a good pedicure, but I put them off too and I am sure they are claws about now.


Thanks so much for your comments. It is always interesting who knows each other best when it comes to siblings. And of course Oakley and Boone are siblings in their own right. Oh, and Yuki and her dating adventures...which have been fun too.

Ivy's Closet said...

Such a wonderful start of the week post! Oh, I am in love with that denim jacket! You are so inspiring! from shoes to bags and much much more. So delightful to see this spring fling post🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸Adoring all the little details too!πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—Oh, the library drunk guy hasn't gone anywhere. At first, I was certain he was banned. But he's not. He even has a spot on the library lawn where he takes a nap from time to time. We are far from he maddening streets of the OLD MARKET (although, I had a friend who walked all the way from 13th street one May night when he walked away from a bar fight). If this fellow was in a more urban area, he might be in a homeless shelter by now, but I think there is family nearby.

Caitlin&Megan said...

So LOVELY! Oh, you have such an amazing wardrobe. So colorful! Loving your creations too! So adoring your bags and shoes! Such fun! What a beautiful post! πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—Thanks so much for your comments! Yes, Tristan might have surprised himself too. I had been thinking for a while about him studying gorillas. And then to find that Forever21 find..well..I just couldn't help myself.

Samantha said...

These looks are so springy and fun!!! I love the soft colors and especially your stunning accessories. So colorful!!! I especially adore your floral jacket and pink and purple Zulily shoes with the roses. I definitely agree that spring is the best, and daffodils are a sure sign that short sleeves and sandals are on the way! Hiding your toes all winter definitely has its cons. A nice polish job can do wonders! ❤️

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I'm impressed you can do the pedicure yourself! I definitely need to go to a salon. I LOVE the reds and purples together in that adorable blouse. Spring is a wonderful season. I do miss out on the spring being in Florida. I usually miss seeing my spring flowers and don't get home until it's almost officially summer. Your spring outfits are adorable.

Jewel Divas Style said...

Ah, the yearly dermatologist visit. Mine's the skin cancer specialist, and yes, it can be mildly embarrassing, but in my case, not because of my feet. Because I have to strip to the undergarments.