Monday, July 8, 2024

Fourth of July Pie and Other Sweet Eats

The husband's root beer float pie.

Dress: B. Smart, Kohl's

Flip flops: Katy Perry Collection, Nordstrom Rack; Basket: Michaels

Dessert array buffet.

Sunglasses, Michaels

Since Charlotte was born, I've been working my way through my post-gestational-diabetes wish list.  Which means pizza, pasta, pancakes, cake, ice cream, and all kinds of other previously contraband carbs.  One item on the list was a root beer float, and although I haven't yet had the pleasure of guzzling one, the husband made a root beer float pie Fourth of July weekend.  It was as delicious as it was decorative, and I gobbled up my slice.  Not that that stopped me from inhaling my mom's blueberry crisp and chocolate cake.

So it was a very happy and hearty, if not-heart-healthy, Fourth of July.  

As they say, let food freedom ring!


gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I'm assuming that you went to your moms- so nice and you deserve to indulge since you were restricted for so long! I don't blame your for enjoying more than one dessert. You look very festive in your red white and blue!! Your husband makes. a delicious looking pie!!

ellie said...

Oh my! So festive! & such sweet delights! Indeed..and you both look so 4th of July ready. The pie sounds out of this world and perfect for the 4th!


Thanks for your comment (Rafe and Ruby might grow up yet)..well I did get up to episode 8 with Ben in our Ren & Wade story that I posted on IVY- Two new hires at the old book store), but I can see it's fleeting. It is interesting to see what interest some people..or saying how serious they are and then getting stumped, but I kind of expected it. I think he wrote everything on his phone anyway. Oh well, I've never actually had counted on having writing partner. But it was fun challenge.

Samantha said...

"Post-gestational-diabetes wish list" - that's AWESOME, haha!! Whoa - a root beer float pie?! I have never heard of it, and now I'm so curious to try it! It looks amazing, as does the blueberry crisp and chocolate cake! You and Charlotte look so adorable together - and festive! ❤️💙🍰 Cheers to more food to check off your list ahead!

The Velvet Runway said...

The root beer float pie looks delicious. Hope you had a great 4th
Julia x