Tuesday, July 23, 2024

World Renowned? Get Out of Town! No Woman is an Island.

Now that Charlotte's arrived, the mother-daughter book club is back in session.  It was my turn to pick, and I went with Abbi Waxman's latest, Christa Comes Out of Her Shell.  As you know, I'm a fan of Waxman's wry humor and quirky heroines, so I wanted to share them with my mom and sister.

Waxman gives us another offbeat shero in Christa Barnet-slash-Liddle, a rainbow-haired biologist who studies sea snails on an off-the-grid island.  An outspoken introvert who prefers wildlife to people, Christa likes living below the radar.  So when her famous father comes back from the dead, she's less than pleased.  Especially because Jasper Liddle was an icon in science-meets-celebrity Hollywood.  Now Christa's back in LA dealing with her deadbeat dad as well as her mom and sisters.  It's family drama with a capital F with some blast-from-the-past romance thrown in.  Charming and sensitive family friend Nate complements Christa's fire as they muddle through Jasper's reappearance.  Nevertheless, it isn't easy for Christa to let someone in, and she must decide if she wants to stay an island.

Waxman's unmatched wit and kooky characters make Christa Comes Out of Her Shell a delight.  If anything, I wanted to know more about Christa and less about Jasper.  Still, Christa's emotional growth is a triumph and outshines his -- and others' -- shortcomings.

So in tribute to that and the "sheltered" life, here's a snail sweater I bought from ModCloth but never wore.

Perhaps it's time to break free from my shell and give it an outing.


ellie said...

Oh, so lovely! Yes..that sweater needs an outing..such a great ending to your wonderful review! Love it!

Ivy's Closet said...

Oh, I've missed your reviews! Such zest! And such an amazing sweater. So wonderful! & blazing yellow too!💕💛❤️🌈❤️💛💕Yet again I have gotten myself in hotwater..among other things. I got a new Samsung..but for an error beyond me..I clicked in to a 2009 profile I didn't know I had on Facebook..and cannot get out of it..even if I thought I could by going to the present one on my laptop. Low in behold my laptop got locked and I feared the worst, but luckily, I unplugged the laptop and no harm was done. And to think I just wanted a new camera on my phone. Of course, it was an old phone and I didn't get but a few bucks for it. No wonder my characters have suck wacky adventures.

Caitlin'nMegan said...

Oh, I will keep this one in mind! Awesome to see your review! And I can't wait to see you in this amazing sweater! Here's to JOY everyday with fantastic reads and many smiles that go for miles and miles with you and your family 💕💛❤️🌈💛💕

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

You really are very witty with your words and puns!! I think it's lovely how close you are with your mom and sister and doing a book club together is a great way to share. The sweater is adorable.

camdandusler said...

Thanks for your review

Samantha said...

I love the concept of the book, set amongst the wildlife!! Quirky heroines are my favorite, and this rainbow-haired biologist sounds like a delight. Speaking of delightful - your snail sweater from ModCloth is sooooo cute! It definitely looks like the type of top you'd wear. 💛🐌