Monday, October 31, 2022

Sugar Skull Bits and Halloween Fits

There are costumes, and then there are costumes.  When it comes to Halloween, the husband has always been more of a DIY than a costume-in-a-bag kind of guy.  So over the years for my parents' Halloween party, he's devised the following disguises:

- Guy Fieri & The Pioneer Woman (not implying they're a couple!)

- Johnny Atkins & Carla from The Goldbergs

- The Brawny Man & the Sparkles Fairy

- Mr. Clean & a '50s Housewife
But this year, the husband didn't have time to come up with something homegrown, so we went on Amazon and found these Day of the Dead getups.  Although we've never gone for something scary, I admit that these edgy and -- this part is very important -- not at all gory, dark side ensembles helped me get into the Halloween spirit.  On a lighter note, I loved the rainbow bows bisecting my ribcage.  

Hair comb and choker: Ella & Elly, Zulily

That said, here are my Halloween-themed "regular" outfits.  Or, in other words, my everyday costumes:

Bag: Betsey Johnson, Macy's

Belt: Marshalls

Top: Wet Seal

Shoes: Betseyville, Macy's

Jelly bracelets: Target; Spike and orange bracelets: Amrita Singh, Zulily; Yellow bangles: B Fabulous; Black and white bracelet: Mixit, JCPenney; Ring: PinkBopp, Etsy; Skirt: Wild Fable, Target; Bag: Cat & Jack, Target
Tights: Isadora, Zulily

Skirt: Wild Fable, Target

Shoes: Sam Edelman, Kohl's

Jumbo Jack-O-Lantern Necklace (sold just before Halloween!)

Orange bangle: Mixit, JCPenney; Lime bangle and orange bangles: B Fabulous; Purple bracelet: Etsy

Top: Just Poly, Macy's

Lime top: SHEIN

And that's it!  Whatever your plans or apparel, make the most of this year's witching hour.  Have a very safe and happy Halloween! 🎃


R's Rue said...

Love the look. Regine

Ivy's Closet said...

Such Amazing costumes. How fun! Love this year's Halloween theme! Beautiful outfits! Great to see your style pop in so many places! From head to toe!

I had planned to wear my pink wig tonight, but now feel I need a wig grip because it might fall off. Oh, so many accessories that add up for wearing a wig. I spent a lot of time on YouTube and now thing..well, why didn't you do that sooner. But I do have my Sugar skull tee to wear tonight so not all is lost.

Thanks for your comments. My next installment of THE EX isn't quite as frightening. However, looking at so many in wigs has given me plenty of character inspiration too.


Happy Halloween~

Cherry Blossoms said...

Adoring your costumes! So happy to see them💗🍁🍂💀👻🎃🖤🫠 Oh, I finally got something posted. I did have a heck of a time trying to type my post up. Sometimes, words will appear that I didn't write or open spaces. So strange. But I finally got something written up...even if I had to put the artwork at the bottom instead of the top. Happy Halloween. I hope its a nice one for you!

The Book Group said...

Adoring! You guys knocked it out of the park this year 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 Such sweet outfits! So charming! LOVE YOUR HAIR! Wonderful attire!

Caitlin'nMegan said...

Love your Halloween Costumes! Oh so cool! Happy Halloween👻💀🫠🎃🖤

ellie said...

Oh, such a beautiful Halloween post! Love these costumes and so much more! Adoring what you can do for a costume! Happy Halloween...🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃P.S. Oh, I have a reader who keeps asking for my email..I really am not sure I want to know what she wants. Probably a grammar lesson. But she can be a little much with all the things she doesn't like and whatnot.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Love this post starting with the creative costume ideas from years past and this year's colorful fun costumes! How fun that your parents have a Halloween party every year! The purple shoes with the lime green textured tights (?) blew me away. I also love the Sam Edelman shoes- so stunning! You and your husband look amazing in your costumes! I was wondering what the costumes from years past looked like. Have a fun Halloween!

ALLIE NYC said...

Oh what great costumes, outfits and decor here. Looked like you had a great Halloween!

Allie of

Samantha said...

Wow!!! You and your husband look fantastic in your Day of the Dead costumes! And I, too, love the rainbow bows bisecting your ribcage! Next up, I adore the shot of your spooktacular barrettes surrounding your spider web purse. It looks so cute and retro! Your tights are so colorfully fun (the green tights with your purple shoes are adorable!) The cluster of barrettes is so cute in your hair, and your Halloween necklaces are perfection! I'm happy to see the Halloween PinkBopp ring made a cameo appearance in this post, too. :) Finally, the lime green trick-or-treat bucket is the cutest pairing with your matching top. You definitely captured the fun essence of Halloween!

Lovely said...

Your Halloween costumes are amazing. Love your glittery shoes.

Mor Düşler Kitaplığı said...

Your Halloween costumes look amazing. I like them :))
Thanks for your sharing and happy Halloween :)

ellie said...

Thanks so much for your comments! I hope you are having a good first week of November. So much to do this month..or so it seems. In my family there are like 3 birthdays in a row. So that's been a struggle for me. I found out a co-worker is leaving and I never expected that. So trying to think of something as a going away present has sort of been on my mind. Of course, I keep thinking..oh now..I have written about this character or that character for awhile. I guess they are friends a sense.

Happy November💗🍂🍁🌸💗

Kinga K. said...

Amazing Halloween costumes <3