"Making Saturday-night plans on Saturday night.
Dressing festively for the Fourth of July (and Valentine's Day, St. Patty's Day, etc.)
Shopping with Mom . . . she's like a living 50-percent-off coupon.
Playing makeup artist on a friend - a turquoise, neon yellow, and hot pink palette is encouraged.
Picking out your outfit - accessories and all - the night before work as if it were the first day of school.
Writing mushy, where-are-you-now? letters to your future self and stowing them away for another 10 or so years . . . just think how much fun the ones from sixth grade are to read.
Having a planned, well-thought-out afternoon snack, like celery with peanut butter and raisins, that you look forward to all day long.
Making the mall your night-out destination. Bonus: There are fewer rage-inducing lines and slow walkers at 7 p.m. than there are in the afternoon.
Storing makeup in your offensively large, bright purple Caboodle - ugly as heck, but man, was it convenient.
Stealing style inspiration from Stacey and Claudia of The Baby-Sitters Club . . . Mary Anne's short'n'sassy makeover do is an option too."
Oh my god I love caboodles. I ripped adds out of American teen mags and my sister bought me my first when they came here to Aus, now I have many and I'm still after the shower caddy and 4 tray velvet lned jewellery case.
I love Caboodles too! I had a bunch but gave them away; now I'm kind of regretting that.
I never heard of anyone going to such lengths to get Caboodles, especially specific models. I hope you find those elusive last two :)
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