Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I Scream You Scream We All Scream for Ice Cream

Today is the first official day of summer, and as we all know, summer means . . . ice cream! When the bf and I moved to Brigantine, I vowed to keep at least one box of ice cream sandwiches, ice pops, frozen fruit bars, or what have you in the freezer year round. (Not because the bf is some kind of frozen-treat-obsessed ogre, but because I thought it would add that special something to domestic life. And, of course, because I've always hearted popsicles :) So, in honor of the beginning of the most sensational season of the year, I stopped off at the grocery store and picked up this selection of sun-slaking snacks.

What's your freezer case favorite?


Jewel Divas Style said...

Chocolate icecream at the moment although we are officially winter.

The Tote Trove said...

Always a classic.