Sunday, April 14, 2019

Take Me Out to the Mall Game

I was all set to post about rainbows when I was steaming this "what splatters most" tee to wear to the grocery store (yes, that's what it's really called.  Oh, Modcloth, is there no end to your whimsical wordplay?) when I had an epiphany.  Why not post about my raglan tee collection instead?  'Cause I love a good raglan.  It's the best part of baseball (ok, the only good part unless you count the Philly Phanatic or maybe those satin bomber jackets, which are really just the raglans of outerwear).  Factor in the contrasting colors of the sleeves and torso, the way the name sounds like ragtime and also ragamuffin, and the likelihood of a beloved licensed image emblazoning the front, and you've got a home run, my friend.

Regal Radiance Cuff

Tee: Modcloth
Skirt: Amazon
Shoes: Delicious, Zulily
Bag: Sleepyville Critters, Zulily
Belt: Belt is Cool, Amazon

 Sadie Stripes Gumball Necklace

Pink Heart Pompom Bow Barrette

Tee: Kohl's
Skirt: Arizona Jeans, JCPenney
Shoes: Worthington, JCPenney
Wristlet: City Streets, JCPenney

Fun fact: I was wearing this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles tee (although not the backwards mini) when my nephew was born.  Because what boy should come into the world without seeing crime-fighting amphibians busting out of a sewer and shouting "Cowabunga!"?  Also, I ditched the splatter tee in favor of it today.  It seemed fitting to finally represent turtle power as I rolled my cart past that TMNT cookie mix where Leonardo's head looks like a sad, spreading puddle.     

Stella Star Necklace

Cheerful Charm Bracelet 

Tee: Macy's
Skirt: Dollhouse, Zulily
Shoes: Guess, Marshalls
Bag: Nordstrom
Purse charm: Staples

As for the stuff I made this week, it's kind of a hodgepodge.  I was scraping the bottom of the craft supply drawer, which makes for a fast and loose look that luckily works well with tee shirts.  You know, not too fussy or precious or planned.  Kind of like the Cracker Jack prizes that kids once oohed and ahhed over while watching the game.  That is, if the song is to be believed.  That line might well have been just product placement by big Cracker Jack.

And with that we've already reached the bottom of the ninth.  Be sure to check back later this week for that breaking update on rainbows.


Samantha said...

Super sweet new shirts; I especially love the cherry on top of the sundae on the MTV top! Your new jewelry turned out beautifully and the Regal Radiance Cuff is my absolute favorite! Really love the colors together and it looks very regal, indeed. You have such amazing style. I've always loved your hot air balloon purse!!

Dressed With Soul said...

OMG! Your tee collection is so amazing and only watching them is true pleasure! As usual I'm impressed by your combination skills and for sure the jewellery!
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

Jewel Divas Style said...

Gotta love a good handbag and you've got some awesome ones, same with the tees, gotta love a good retro tee.