Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Not Quite Through With Red, White, and Blue

Bag: Amerileather, Zulily; Shoes: Katy Perry Collection

Top: Simply Vera, Kohl's

Bad: INC, Macy's; Shoes: Katy Perry Collection

Flag Swag Necklace

Nine West, Kohl's

Top: XOXO, Macy's; Bag: Royal Monk, Modcloth

American Anchor Necklace

Sunglasses: Wild Fable, Target

Some stores already have their fall stuff out.  And to that I say boo hiss!  Because here at The Tote Trove, we post Fourth of July flare a week after the Fourth.  Some may call it procrastination . . . but I call it reliving the moment (and also, yes, procrastination).  So it's with pride that I display these baskets of hot-off-the-grill red, white, and blue baubles:

Baskets: Michaels

I just love these baskets, which I found at Michaels for half off just before, not Fourth of July, but Memorial Day.  (See?  My procrastination knows no bounds.)  

Who knows.  Come December, I may channel Blink-182 and have Halloween on Christmas, festooning my tree with ghosts instead of gumballs.

Well, ghosts with gumball eyes.  Because it's not Christmas -- or, for that matter, Halloween -- without an unhealthy dose of high fructose corn syrup.


camdandusler said...

You look wonderful, thanks for your sharing...

Kinga K. said...

You look gorgeous <3

Samantha said...

Your procrastination paid off with these awesome post-Fourth looks!! 💖💙 And, I adore your ultra cool bauble necklaces, which are oh-so festive! The anchors are an especially fun touch (aren't anchors such a cool accessory?) There's definitely nothing wrong with reliving the moment with holiday-themed outfits - it stretches out the festive vibes!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Good for you posting your red, white, and blue after the 4th! Why can't we be patriotic all the time. These are some great outfits and I love the first shot with the umbrella and the props! Also, really like the blue outfits with the yellow shoes and bag!

Jewel Divas Style said...

Celebrate with red, white, and blue everyday, I say.