Monday, October 30, 2023

Cupcake Wake: Unwed and Undead

It's the day before Halloween, and you know what that means.  One more spooky story!  This one is Jenn McKinlay's Dark Chocolate Demise, in which Fairy Tale Cupcakes baker extraordinaire Mel Cooper faces off with, not fairies, but zombies.  Scottsdale is hosting its first-ever Zombie Walk, and Mel and company are serving Dark Chocolate Demise, Strawberry Brains, and Marshmallow Mummy cupcakes to the undead masses.  But, as they say, it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye -- or, in this case, a life.  Because Mel discovers a dead undead bride in the photo op casket in front of her cupcake van.  Not only that, but the woman looks just like Angie, Mel's bestie and business partner.  Now Angie is freaked and Mel has no choice but to investigate who knocked off the corpse bride and why, an undertaking that involves mob bosses, rock stars, and not one but two love interests for Mel.  There's also a shopping spree-slash-makeover scene, which I, of course, adored.  So if you like scary and silly and sweet (but mostly silly!), then Dark Chocolate Demise is the pick of the trick or treat reads. 👻🎃


ellie said...

Oh this is so perfectly Halloween creepy fun. Love cover too. >>>>> meanwhile I want to be in my own bed at home. Maybe I will get a Whatburger yet.

Kinga K. said...

Nice reading :D

Caitlin'nMegan said...

Adoring the cover! It looks like quite a fun mystery! Happy Halloween!

Ivy's Closet said...

Thanks so much for your comments. OH, I am ready to go home and I can hardly wait. Awesome, to hear from you. All the best to a lot of fun this Halloween! And thanks for your amazing review.

Samantha said...

"Scary and silly and sweet (but mostly silly!)" - sounds like the perfect way to end the month of spooky reads!! 🧁🎃👻 This one sounds like a real treat!