Monday, November 13, 2023

October Outings, Part Two: A Book Club Party and a Baby Shower

Skirt: So, Kohl's

Top: LC Lauren Conrad, Kohl's

Dress: LC Lauren Conrad, Kohl's

Shoes: LC Lauren Conrad, Kohl's

I know that you've been waiting with bated breath for part two of my October outings.  So here they are, a book club party and a baby shower!  Some of you have asked how the book club works, and in a nutshell it's this.  My mom, sister, and I take turns choosing a book.  We read the book.  Some of us read more quickly than others, or even read more than one book at once.  My sister listens to the audiobooks because she has such a long commute.  We talk about the book, in twos, as we go, on the phone, due to our differing schedules.  Then we talk about the book once we're done reading it, also in twos.  And that's it.  There is no book club meeting.

Until now.  In August, my mom wanted us to get together for a tea party to discuss the twenty books we'd read this past year.  Again, due to those pesky schedules, it didn't happen until October.  But then it overflowed with all the festive gusto that my mom brings to any occasion.  She made food featured in the books (although I forgot to photograph them, the Hope Cakes from Jodi Picoult's Mad Honey were bursting with buttery goodness), she found book-themed paperware, and she displayed the books around her dining room.  She even made a poster listing our roster of titles as well as who had chosen each.  As we sipped our tea and enjoyed our goodies, we answered the questionnaire that she had so thoughtfully prepared.  We discussed our favorite books (not surprisingly, we each picked our own), the books we could relate to, and the books that left us cold.  It was all very illuminating, and I think we learned some things about each other.  

On the fashion front (because there's always a fashion front, even amidst the most intellectual of pursuits), I wore my new blue LC Lauren Conrad top and maroon So skirt with my much-loved Madden Girl T-straps.  I was so chuffed with the look that I wore a dress in the same print for the following day's baby shower.  And yes, it was the shower for which the husband and I took that fateful test drive.  I'm happy to report that I arrived without incident. 

Because like my books, I prefer my journeys to end on a high note.


gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Your mom is so creative and it is so nice that the three of you are so close and do so much together. So clever how you keep the book club going remotely despite having schedules that don't allow for a gathering.It's really a good idea. I used to be in a book club, and it ended up being more about the food and drink than the book! I love your hair in the braid- Being in Florida in 88 degree weather (not that I'm complaining ) , I enjoyed seeing the fall scene with the colorful mums, little pumpkins, and corn stalk!

Ivy's Closet said...

Oh, my! Oh if I only had a book club like that! Wow, such a wonderful time to share. Loving the LC outfit too! And love the Steve Madden you find too!

It's always great you found the time to read the book. In most instances, many of our patrons will attend these meetings, but just to find out..'No, I didn't read the book." But then again, it's great when an audience tells you, "I love your enthusiasm about this book!"

Thanks for part 2! So love seeing all those books on your book club list!

Thanks for the comments! Yes, I was so proud to see somebody move on from her Shein photos..still I miss her on Shein. As of late (Rox) seems to be their it girl. And then (Vanna) has showed up with the Carebear Campaign. Of course, I finally found someone new that I just knew it would be a matter of time that I would want him to show up in some story blog...(✿◡‿◡)

And the Lee El drama has to be the best K-drama this year!

Caitlin'nMegan said...

So exciting to see your wonderful post full of so much book goodness! Love the blue LC outfit and much much more. OH, such a fun post. Wow, sounds like you guys had a book club feast! Such an awesome October. Hope you November is going well!🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍵🍵🍵🍵🍵🍵🍵 It has been rather dry here. And all the leaves are in the yard now. It seems endless to get them out of the way. Thank you so much for your comments. Of course, I do wonder if I am putting Rox out of the fire into the frying to speak..but who gives everyone something to talk about. & maybe we will learn more about Wade too...while Liv settles down in Seoul.

ellie said...

Oh, such glorious T-straps. Amazing and inspiring outfits you do have. The book club theme is so fun. So glad you guys had a chance to do this..even in October! So great to see you guys reading.

We were closed for 2 days due to Veteran's Day at the library..Wow, were there books to check in! Everyone seems to be reading and our Holds Shelf just grew and grew. It was a hectic 5 hours that we were open on Sunday. Meanwhile..I have a cavity to be filled with a crown..just what I need before Thanksgiving..ugh...And of course, somehow to whip the livingroom and dining room in to shape before the feast..always something. AND..we do have 2 out with COVID. It sounded as if it was really bad for them, but they didn't get a chance to get COVID shots either.

Anyway, I just keep going with the ups and downs of Phil, Boone and Alfie..and the rest of the gang.

Samantha said...

What a fun idea; this book club party looks like it was a blast!! I love the set up (how the books are arranged) and of course, the paperware! 📚💕 What a wonderful way to celebrate the books you read, and being able to learn more about each other to boot. Your outfits are fabulous, too! 😎

Jewel Divas Style said...

Book paper plates and napkins. Yes please!