Saturday, August 12, 2023

Leisurely Reading and Unchecked Force Feeding: Just Another Unsolved Mystery

Our last book club pick was my sister's, and she chose Jesse Q. Sutanto's Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers.  Before you ask, "Vera Wong?  Isn't that a little close to Vera Wang?", yes, yes it is.  Because the Vera in this semi-cozy mystery calls her teashop Vera Wang's World-Famous Teahouse in hopes that the fashion designer's name will lure customers.  Which should give you an idea of just the kind of kooky, kickass character we're dealing with.  Indeed, not-so-little-old-lady (she's only sixty!) Vera is never the same after she finds a dead body in her teashop.  But not because she's traumatized.  Oh, no.  Because she's intent on finding the killer, much to the dismay of the police and the four suspects she's cunningly identified.  Still, no one says no to Vera, whether she's spearheading a crime investigation or pushing yet another helping of cod with black fungus to ward off constipation (that's not me being funny but an example straight from the book).  

Nevertheless, the four suspects -- Julia, Oliver, Riki, and Sana -- can't help but admit that Vera has improved their lives.  Because even as she grills them about their whereabouts on that fateful night, she pushes them to move past their personal fears and take the world by the fish balls.  To say she becomes loveable may be going too far -- she's too tough for such a soft word -- but she does emerge as wise and even empathetic, seeing each of her new friends clearly enough to administer the tough love they need.  

Now, in terms of the actual mystery, I found it pretty compelling.  But my sister figured it out, and my mom mostly figured it out.  Needless to say, I didn't figure it out at all.  My mom says this is because I'm "a leisurely reader who likes to be surprised."  Which sounds like a nice way of saying that I lack the cognitive skills to decipher whodunit.  Then again, my mom hopped online to look up the logistics of what went down plot-wise, which to me sounded just plain exhausting.  So I guess I do like reading to be restful, going along for the fictional ride. 

Finally, this has little to do with what I just said, but here's my favorite quote from the book:

"It's her own fault.  She'd been so eager to make a name for herself.  This is the problem with creative people; their self-image is divided into two parts -- one thinks that they're a genius who will one day create a masterpiece of such breathtaking brilliance that it will still be discussed with reverence hundreds of years later; the other part thinks they are trash raccoons rooting around in the dark and coming up with nothing but more trash.  There is no in-between.  It's either "super genius" or "trash raccoon," and somehow these parts coexist within the head of one very tortured artist." (165-166)    

I don't think there's a creative person alive who doesn't relate to this.

Which is, now that I think of it, one of the reasons I need so much rest. πŸ“˜πŸ˜ 


Ivy's Closet said...

Oh, I loved that part about Super Genius or Trash Raccoon! Yes, sometimes I am not even aware of the mystery going on. I would rather see more of the supporting cast and their world. I am almost done with Spare Room. It really is a bit gullible. Perhaps perfectly trending at times and yet something falls a little flat too, but I hope to get to the end. Thanks for the fun reviewπŸ’™πŸ§πŸ’™πŸ§πŸ’—πŸ’™πŸ§πŸ’™πŸ§I posted a couple of excerpts from 2 very old story I had worked on (2008). It is hard to keep these from being long gone. & of course, there is that bit, it's like visiting old friends too.πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ§πŸ§πŸ§πŸ§πŸ§πŸ§Thanks for your comments. Oh the birthday was nice and it was good catching up, especially with a relative who can be ..well, very moody..but she seems to be in a happy place with the new department she's in..although the grandparents thought she'd changed apartment instead. She is learning a library of nuts and bolts as well as paint too.

Mor Düşler Kitaplığı said...

Looks good. Thanks for your review. Have a good day :)

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Very clever about the name for catching customers. I'm just not a fiction lover unless its historical or a biography so I probably coulnt d wrap myself up in this book. I do enjoy mystery shows on TV though- Interesting about the creative being such a definitive line between genius and trash raccoon. Not sure Im creative enough to identify. Have a great week!

ellie said...

This is cool that you guys did this for your book club. I am sure it was right up your alley. That's great that your mom really did her research on the plot too. Makes me think of my days when I was reading Game of Thrones. Of course, a lot of times, it just confused me more.

Oh, it is always great though, just to have a leisurely read. I really like being surprised at the end..anyway. Such a sweet review!


Well, I finally got a sweat shirt made for the Barbie and now I'm afraid to take it off or..well, I might have to just cut it. And well, I have already snipped some hair off one I was trying to unbox.πŸ§‘πŸ§‘πŸ§‘πŸ§‘πŸ§πŸ§πŸ§πŸ§πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™meanwhile, I'm wondering who I have left out to write about. Always somebody, I'm afraid.

Caitlin&Megan said...

I really need to look for this author now..but I dunno when I will get to it. Oh, if only I read faster. I really love how you summed up this mystery. So will there be more mysteries ahead in the book club? I love that you guys can do this.

I just can't see anyone in my family doing this. We all have such different taste in reads. Oh, I remember how I was so excited when I finally got Catcher in the Rye read and of course, a close family member said, "Hated it!" Of course, when I listened to all her qualms I could see where she was coming from.πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ§πŸ§πŸ§πŸ§πŸΎπŸΎπŸΎπŸΎπŸΎThanks for the wonderful review. All the best to your end of summer reading!

Samantha said...

What a compelling-sounding read!! I totally laughed at "...take the world by the fish balls". Brilliant!!! And, I definitely relate to being a leisurely reader too, going along for the fictional ride. The quote totally describes creative people in such a deep way! πŸ“šπŸŽ€

Jewel Divas Style said...

"take the world by the fish balls"


And I'd rather be a super genius than a trash racoon.