Saturday, April 20, 2024

Hop Happy: A New Breed of Bunny

Sixty-year-old, free-spirited Billie Slate has never held a nine-to-five job.  So when she and her bestie birth the brainchild of the Heartbreak Bunny one drunken night, it's the latest in a long line of unorthodox stints.  And so begins the irresistible romcom that is Maddie Dawson's Snap Out of It.  

Billie dons a bunny suit and helps the lovelorn move on -- or, as she so succinctly puts it, "snap out of it" -- by strong-arming them into tossing the pictures, love letters, and, yes, condom wrappers, that remind them of their exes.  It's a successful enterprise that snowballs after Billie casts a spell -- she also dabbles in magic -- on the son of a local anchorman to release him from the hold of his ex-fiancé.  The anchorman puts Billie on TV, fame and fortune follow, and she hops happily ever after down the bunny trail of the American Dream.

Well, not quite.

You see, Billie's daughter Louise, the popular influencer behind love story brand Lulu & Leo, is suddenly minus Leo.  What's more, Billie's ex-husband Victor, who left her thirty-five years ago, has resurfaced.  So Billie muddles through family drama while staunchly and hilariously defending her nose-twitching position that romance ruins lives.  Even as she finds herself charmed by a certain irritatingly optimistic anchorman.       

It's a crazy quilt of a story that shouldn't work but somehow does.  Because Billie is very relatable, a woman of humor and principles endlessly challenged by life.  Three marriages and a lifetime of living in a house with revolving boarders have made her tough but still always human.  This, combined with the push and pull of her relationship with Louise adds to her appeal, showcasing her in all her flawed authenticity.

In other words, this bunny knows best, even when she's starting over.

Never underestimate the wisdom of rodents. 🐰  


Caitlin&Megan said...

Oh this one looks like a fun one! & nothing like having old flames turn up unexpectedly! Sounds like a sweet read! Thanks so much! Thank you for your comments too! Yes, I feel Vada may need Sammy more..and maybe just maybe she'll be that friend too. I have had fun finding my way with Sunny and Louie..and Liv might show a side that she might not even be aware of. I hope you are doing well.

So strange this morning..when I went throught "edge" I could not get to your blog, but I can see it on Firefox.

ellie said...

I loved the last line of this. So clever! Thanks for the smile this morning. Adoring the review. Hope all is going well. Oh, I don't know if I'm on a roll or not, but I just keep writing...and hopefully, I will connect one character to the other. Of course, it is a strange math..I suppose.

ivy said...

Such a delightful review! Awesome characters. It certainly looks to be fun with some family drama too! It has been a chilly weekend. Not quite gardening weather yet. Of course, I don't grow too many things. Still tagging at the library. I did find out my boss will be on vacation most of May. Maybe it will be like a vacay for me too (✿◡‿◡). Here's to good food, exercising and nesting.

Samantha said...

Oh how fun!!! What a funny and creative concept of donning a bunny suit to help the lovelorn! 💕🐰 It sounds like a book full of fun twists and unexpected turns - quite a quilt, indeed!