Saturday, April 6, 2024

B is for Books About Bunnies and Babies

Also, Becky Bloomwood.  But we'll work our way up to that.  First things first.  As you know, I can't let a holiday pass without reading a coordinating cozy homicide.  So this Easter hat trick of three novellas including Leslie Meier's Easter Basket Murder, Lee Hollis's Death by Easter Egg, and Barbara Ross's Hopped Along was just what the Easter bunny ordered.  Each story delivered on the irresistible cocktail of cute and creepy, although I enjoyed Death by Easter Egg the most.  There's something about the combination of candy and crime that's especially decadent.    

Kind of like childbirth and chuckles, which isn't decadent, but rather soothing.  Now that I'm in the last leg of my pregnancy (30 weeks!), I felt the urge to reread Sophie Kinsella's Shopaholic and Baby.  As the big day draws near, I knew that reliving Becky's hijinks would be especially entertaining and comforting.  And it was.  What I didn't expect was for it to make me cry.  (Then again, these days, there isn't much that doesn't switch on the waterworks.)  Because along with all the fiascos and fun is the heart that beats so beautifully in each of Kinsella's books.  As Becky persevered through her struggles, I knew that I could conquer mine too, and that in the end it will all be worth it because my baby girl is meant to be.

It's no wonder that this book was the first thing I slipped into my go bag.  

Immediately followed, of course, by a brand-new tube of Cherries in the Snow lipstick.      


Ivy's Closet said...

Oh, it is an emotional time for you. You might never read a book the same way again, but who know. I was wondering if you read any Easter mysteries. Hope everything is going well. And a beautiful spring too.

Caitlin'nMegan said...

So glad you are getting some fun books to read during this. Thanks for the delightful reviews too. I'm excited for you. OH, and love the sound of that lipstick too! Happy April!

ellie said...

Such fun book reviews. A great time for these spring Cozies! Glad you are re-reading books too. During my first one...all I had were books from my Jewish lit. class..Oh my God, I must have wept and wept..funny, I didn't find them all so sad the first go around. But even now...books make me cry from time to time.

All the best. Oh, and so bold with that lippy!

Samantha said...

I recently read a quote somewhere that said something along the lines of, "Re-read books you've read in the past - you'll learn something new in the different chapter of life you're in." That definitely ties into the "Shopaholic & Baby" re-read! The Easter crime story sounds egg-cellent, and a good read plus lipstick sounds like the perfect essentials for a go bag! 📚💄

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Yes, emotions can run high during and after pregnancy. It' nice that you like to read and find so many books that you enjoy.