Friday, May 27, 2011

Something New and Sparkly: Snack Attack

Raspberry Snack Attack Corsage Necklace

Chocolate Snack Attack Corsage Necklace

And last but not least our old friend: Apple Snack Attack Corsage Necklace

I got so excited about the Snack Attack Corsage Necklace (now the Apple Snack Attack Corsage Necklace) I made using a JELL-O Temptations package that I made a beeline for Acme for more of the mini desserts. I was slightly disappointed to find the only other offerings were Raspberry Cheesecake and (chocolate) French Silk (what, no colorful Luscious Lemon Meringue or Cool Key Lime?) but made do and then returned home to begin work.

As for the desserts themselves, they're pretty tasty despite the low calorie contents proudly emblazoned on the front of each package. The Raspberry Cheesecake was the tastiest.