Monday, September 19, 2011

Etsy Favorites: Weird and Wonderful

 Seven Deadly Shoe Sins Wall Hanging, G. Jarvis Jewelry Etc.

 Fruity Mustache Badges, Kikichoo

 Sergeant Bosco Portrait Plate, Beat Up Creations

 Jibber Jabber Hearts, The Burbs

Pierogies Notebook, Ivy Lane Designs

You wouldn't think that a disembodied Barbie head, a crop of mustached fruit, and Mr. T would find their way into the same blog post, but here they are.  I don't have to tell you that Etsy is bursting with weird and wonderful creations.  I pity the fool who doesn't visit at least one of these shops to check out an entire collection of crazy.  (You had to see that one coming.)   


Ivy Lane said...

Thanks, Tracy, for including my craftylicious Pierogies notebook. Eco-friendly gift giving is THE way to go!

SparkleFarkel said...

HOLY COW! I lOvE aLl tHiS wHaCkY sTuFf!

Jewel Divas Style said...

Poor Barbie,lol!

The Tote Trove said...

I know. I was just so mesmerized by this entire shop and all the things the artist has managed to do with Barbie doll parts.