Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Face Case: Jim Carrey Brings the Scary

I've worn a lot of weird things in my time, but I never thought that a mask would be one of them.  Yet here I am all suited up to pick up my groceries at Walmart.  My sister, who is an amazing seamstress, made masks for everyone in our family and for all of her friends.  She said that she added the red lace to mine to make it special.  Well, mission accomplished! 

It (the mask, not the lace) makes me feel a little like I'm about to perform open heart surgery or rob a bank.  Which makes a strange sort of sense as in these times we're all superheroes or villains.

I used the mask as the first building block for my outfit.  Because an outing's still an outing even if you never leave the car.  I especially like how the red lace tie looks like part of my top.  Let's hear it for happy accidents!  And, of course, for a fresh haul of foodstuffs.

If only my mask had not only special lace, but special powers like Jim Carrey's. 

I think his mucus-colored mug from that movie could be just the thing to scare Covie straight.


Samantha said...

Stylish as ever, and with the mask to boot! Your sister did an amazing job designing your mask. ❤️ (Side-note: your side-ponytail is so cute!)

Tanza Erlambang said...

I got mask from my very kind neighbor....

# Stay safe, healthy and virus free

Jewel Divas Style said...

Considering masks are rare, which is weird, how great that your sister made one for family and friends.