Friday, August 6, 2021

Party of One, Party of Fun: One Isn't the Loneliest Number

"You need to get out more."

We've all heard it, whether in fiction or in IRL.  Sometimes it's tossed off in an all-in-good-fun spirit ("What, you've never been to the Cheesecake Factory?!  You need to get out more!").  Other times it's snarkier ("How do you not know who Jim Parsons is?  You need to get out more."  Insert eyeroll;  bonus points if it's lazy.).  But there's no mistaking that it's never a term of endearment.  That's because the speaker (we'll call him "the extrovert") deems himself worldlier and worthier than the speakee (that would be "the introvert") and therefore justified in dispensing his glib, disingenuously cruel-to-be-kind advice.  But I've always been of the opinion that it's not getting out more that grows a more knowledgeable, interesting, and ultimately more empathetic human.  It's staying in.     

So you can imagine my delight upon finding Hallie Heald's 41 Reasons I'm Staying In: A Celebration of Introverts.  If ever there was a book that countered the aforementioned life-of-the-party propaganda -- or, indeed, that was designed for the new normal shelter-in-place lifestyle of the COVID pandemic -- then it's this one.  Dedicated to "all the introverts I've met and may never meet," Heald's strange and fanciful picture book challenges the inherent shame of the home-alone-on-a-Saturday-night stereotype, elevating solitude to an art form.  Her forty-one for-one activities range from the hilariously selfless "midwifing for my gerbil" to the self-indulgently creative "designing my Halloween costume" to the downright dark "making voodoo dolls of my exes."  Each pursuit illustrates (both literally and figuratively; the pictures are a hoot) that it doesn't matter what you do in hermit mode as long as it makes you feel like you, a commodity that's all too elusive when in a crowded club or conference room. All of us feel like this some of the time, and some of us feel like this all of the time.  And I for one am a homebody who firmly falls into camp number two.  

And that's why it's so great that 41 Reasons I'm Staying In applauds those of us who prefer our own company.  Because sometimes being alone isn't about being on the outside looking in.  Sometimes it's about being on the inside looking out.  Not in envy, but in the kind of comfort that can only come from being where you know you belong.

You know.  In your favorite chair knitting a tracksuit, singing to a sourdough starter, or curating a cicada circus while The Big Bang Theory hums in the background.  

Game, set, and match, lazy eye.


ellie said...

Oh, this is delightful! I must look for this book. Your review made me smile. I think of all that Barbie doll playing I used to do when I was little. Even making simple clothes for my dolls with just material scraps and scissors. Of course, even then there was a lot of dialogue going on then.

Hope you are having a good August and creating all sorts of wonderful goodies.

I, on the other hand, have had more waits for appointments as well as just trying to get through to make appointments online. The internet has been awful slow as of late. It's been down at work..oh, and work..our director was enraged by someone wearing a neon orange t-shirt to now..NO T-shirts. I wore my pink sneakers I waited so long from China..because..well..I like pink Actually, I thought I was ordering from Toledo Italy). As well as a pink tunic which is rather a dress on me because after all, it's the start of my birthday weekend.

P.S..I am going to look for this book!

Ivy's Closet said...

Love this! Yes, it feels we may have to have our very own Lockdown these days. Hope your state is taking great precautions. I can't say this for ours. Our governor might as well be lost in a corn field these days. He doesn't see the need for any mask mandate. So then it's getting people together to decide (which isn't that great of an idea) Local fairs and festival are in full swing. Bikers going to the badlands. I continue on with crocheting hats. Unfortunately, some are bigger than others. Yes, it's rather freestyle.

Hope you are making the most of August. Here's to more color, rainbows and creativity!

Caitlin'nMegan said...

This was a great book you found. It's perfect for all of us these days. Funny, the part about the Halloween costume makes me think of the co-worker getting his superhero costume ready for cosplay. I am doing good to make a crossover apron from an old button-down shirt. Of course, sometimes..I'd rather be writing. And I have to admit, times I want to go out I talk myself out of it. I like staying home.

Thanks so much for being here. Hopefully, I can get more of your art in my sets. But as of late the site that I love to make my sets (Urstyle) has been so slow. A lot of my sets I feel are incomplete..but oh well..

Samantha said...

What a fun book!!! I love that it's a picture book, too. That's cool that it gives ideas for solo activities; that's something I'm always seeking inspiration for! There is definitely a beauty to be found in "being on the inside looking out". :)

Kathy Leonia said...

this book sound so good to me:D

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I don't consider myself and introvert, but I have to say that I was surprised how much I enjoyed staying in at the beginning of Covid. I felt like I got off a merry go round. Of course eventually I got tired of being in and was glad when we we're vaccinated and started getting back out in society again.

Jewel Divas Style said...

I'm probably both. An introvert when working, and an extrovert when I'm out.