Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Caving in to Cute

What Mattel muse for hire sparks creative fire?  Endure the wait no more -- it's Emberly!  A punkier version of The Flintstones' Pebbles, Emberly comes from the Cave Club (and okay, Amazon).  But now she dwells in the cave of my craft room.  With her flame-colored hair, she fits right in.  As does her coordinating sidekick Flaire, who sidled right up to my succulent-sprouting dinos.  Emberly's as stylish as she is savage, rocking her '80s ensemble (complete with purple club!) in a way that's just plain, well, fierce.  

Then again, I'd expect nothing less from the brain trust that gave us Barbie. 


Ivy's Closet said...

Oh, so adorable! YES YES YES❤️❤️❤️ I love the hair!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Thanks for the comments! Oh, I always seem to find romance in the grocery store.

Caitlin'nMegan said...

Oh, this is cute. I haven't heard of the cave club. She's perfect in your craftroom! Love her outfit too! Thanks for the introduction!❤️❤️❤️❤️🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈I don't know which is worse having a friend who wants you go out with who they want you to go out with or someone telling you to stay away from them.

ellie said...

This is so sweet! so glad to know about this one. Oh, I adore Barbies and I do have a few. I have thought of going into some of these more 'darker' goth ones, but never wanted to spend that much money. I do have one of the cheapest Barbie's at the moment to help me make doll clothes. Although, I haven't gotten very far. Adoring Emberly! LOVE THE NAME!🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ It is always interesting to see if you can push the envelope far enough with the taking when you introduce a new character. And it is interesting of some people's reaction too. Although, if this had happened on the internet and this fellow had romanced and taken all the money....which I just saw on the local new last week...is a cruel reality. Anyway, I was tired of Remi being stuck there all alone. However, the story does stem for the indigenous old woman (always drunk) who hung out by the grocery store always needing a ride home. On a sad note, she passed away at the trailer park the last cold snap in January.

Samantha said...

Oh my GOSH!!!💜💖 Emberly is so CUTE! I love her stylish outfit and flame-colored hair, and her little sidekick is adorable! I like that she's a punkier version of Pebbles - and she rocks the '80s style fiercely! Her and Flaire look right at home next to your succulent dinos, and the purple club is the perfect accessory! 😊💜

Hollyn'Stevie said...

She is so perfect in your craftroom! Wow, so adorable and what fun with those dinos around too! Wonderful post!🌈❤️🌈 and thanks for your comments!

The Book Group said...

Sweet! So love this outfit she is wearing. So cool! Thanks for the post! Hope you are having a great week. Ice and snow here at the moment... Thanks so much for being here!^_~

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

This is all new to me but sounds really cute! I'll have to see if the grandkids now about this??

Jewel Divas Style said...

Naw!!!!!! Cute!