Sunday, June 26, 2022

Friends 'til the End if the End is the Middle

I know, I know.  What's up with the winter reading material?  Summer just started, and it's too early for Christmas in July.  But I have a good excuse for turning to holiday homicide.  It's because I was fleeing Sally Rooney.

Yes, Sally Rooney, acclaimed author of Normal People and Beautiful World, Where Are You, both of which I enjoyed, especially Normal People.  But when I got halfway through Rooney's debut, Conversations with Friends, which is about a college student having an affair with a married man, I had to put it down.  

The college student -- Frances -- is bleeding and in pain (whether or not as the result of sex with the married guy is unclear) and needs to be rushed to the ER.  Now, as you may know, I have a history of not doing well with books about blood.  Add psychological torment, and I'm a goner.  So I closed the book before I could feel that first nauseous twinge and reached for Mary Daheim's The Alpine Winter.  It was the only new, known quantity left on my shelf.  Also, if there's a story that'll cheer me up, then it's one about finding a body after eating turkey and unwrapping mittens.  Books -- much like life -- are all about tone.  And the tone of a yuletide murder peopled by even-keeled characters is preferable to the one of a girl in pain losing her mind.  

Still, I don't like being bested by a book.  It's only happened to me twice, once with The Help and once with a bargain book whose name I can't remember.  (Somehow, some way, I even managed to finish The Bell Jar.)  And I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't curious about how things pan out for Frances.  So maybe someday I'll pick up the thread of Rooney's Conversations again.  (I didn't throw it out like I did The Help.)  But for now I'm ensconced in Alpine and its small-town eccentricities.

Because sometimes cold comfort is the warmest kind.  

And some friends are best left behind.


Cherry Blossoms said...

So good to come across the woes of what we find to read and your backup. Oh, the twists and turns of a book review. Great last line!❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙 Thanks so much for your comment!

Caitlin'nMegan said...

What an interesting post! It's funny the first time I read THE BELL JAR I was a teen and I couldn't get enough of it. Then the second time, I was like, "Why did I like this book at all?" The author is clearly over-rated. Still, I guess I could enjoy THE OUTSIDERS just as I did the first time I read it, but now I believe that author was just a one-hit-wonder. Still..a little bit of blood goes a long way. Of course, I know I get in certain moods. I am sure this does not help much when it comes to books. Sigh... Thanks so much for your clever post and more❤️

ellie said...

Oh, wow..I just thought you read straight through. No matter what. Oh, I will confess..someone I have been with..for ages..reads books like the movie Pulp Fiction. Starts in the middle..then the end and finally the beginning..he's all over the place when he reads a book. But I do like taking breaks. Sometimes, a different book in every room. This was what a patron was telling me who likes to read during the news.

Thanks for this fun post! & I thought I had already commented..always something. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thanks again for being here.

The Exclusive Beauty Diary said...

These books look very interesting. Thank you for recommendation.

Better Left Unsaid said...

Oh, I know you love Rooney, you will come back to it! Awesome post!

Ivy's Closet said...

Some of these new romances and just never know what's going to happen. But I guess what I dislike most in some YA is all the meandering that goes on before anything happens.

The Book Group said...

Oh, some books you just have to pause. I hope you are having a good week. Thank you for all your wonderful comments.

Samantha said...

Yikes!!! That book sounds like it's way too much to handle; I can see why you decided to put it away and reach for a "cold comfort"! The Alpine Winter definitely sounds more comfortable to read. Just your description of Conversations With Friends was enough to make me wince! I remember your issue with reading about blood; I hope you're enjoying The Alpine Winter and its "small-town eccentricities"! :)