Friday, September 2, 2022

Moving Mountains: Gold Star Stay the Catskills Way

The first Elyssa Friedland book I ever read was The Floating Feldmans, which was a funny family drama set on a cruise ship.  Last Summer at the Golden Hotel is a lot like it, except the cruise ship is a hotel, and the main characters own it.  The Goldmans and the Weingolds have been the proud proprietors of the Golden Hotel for decades.  Nestled in the once-trendy Catskills, or as the locals call them, the Jewish Alps, the Golden Hotel has feted everyone from Joan Rivers to Jerry Seinfeld in its famed theater.  Families have come for generations to bond over brisket and shuffleboard, their happiest moments frozen in time in the hotel's Memory Lane photo gallery.  But time has not been kind to the Golden, and now it's falling apart.  These days, people want organic meals and Wi-Fi, and they're going elsewhere to get it.  Which forces three generations of Goldmans and Weingolds to ask themselves the dreaded question: should they stick it out or sell?  While trying to find the answer, they learn new things about each other -- and themselves.  

Last Summer at the Golden Hotel is fun and nostalgic, harkening back to the days of Dirty Dancing and The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, both of which it references.  While reading it, I used the sunflower bookmark I bought at Beyond Van Gogh.  It matched the cover so perfectly that I couldn't stop looking at it. 

As they say, it's the little things.           


ellie said...

Oh, such great nostalgia! Sounds like a great setting! A wonderful way to end those summer days..of course, these days..they just go on and on..but to read about a sweet summer how it used to be..yet bitter-sweet I'm sure. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Oh, September in my storyland might be relationship sagas and whatnot. Maybe a reflective time for some. Thanks so much for your comments. But I had to have some second thoughts about some of the storylines. I hope you have a fun weekend. Just a family lunch on Sunday..which means 2 kinds of potato salad, pasta salad, a fruit salad ..oh..and the brookies. We have to go on a diet after this.

Ivy's Closet said...

I am sure I would love this! It sounds like such great characters. And what a great time to read it too. Awesome review!💕💕💕💕💕💕 Thanks for your comments. Oh, I am so glad it's Friday. Although, I think I need to be in my pjs all weekend long. Happy Labor Day Weekend ❤️❤️❤️❤️

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

When I was young, my family took a vacation to a Catskill Hotel every summer. I saw many.a celebrity there - they all seemed to eventually do the Catskill circuit fo hotels. I have great fun memories !

camdandusler said...

I love your share :) have a lovely weekend...

The Book Group said...

Oh this looks so good. It would definitely give me some good feels of summer!☕☕☕💕💕🍂🍂🍂 Thanks for your comments. Oh, Shelly might be her own worst enemy. She is definitely not the perfect friend..and yes, I always love that hometown bookstore where everyone is helping out a little. Not far from here on the Platt river was a really great hometown feel and such an adorable bookstore. Unfortunately, main street burned down and has never been the same. But these days, so many bookstores are out of business, unfortunately. So its great when you can find a book that's a treasure of a nostalgic feel.

Hollyn'Stevie said...

Such a great way to start September with a book like this! I will have to look for this one! Thanks so much for your comments. Yes, the Tobes is trouble, but he's always had a troubling past. But I find Devon just a bit more sinister.

Caitlin'nMegan said...

This does sound like such an enjoyable read. A great place to spend the summer! I am sure some must want to get away from social media. 🍂💕☕🍁☕💕🍂 Oh, it's kind of funny what inspired Arizona. There was a kid a couple of Mondays ag with that name along with his wanna-be home schooler. It was quite a night gathering all the books she needed. Except, she left them along with her big book of Homeschooling curriculum. Fast forward this week..somehow she got home with Signing Times DVDs, just to return them with the cases chewed up. Lets hope it wasn't Arizona. Anyway, yes...Arizona has set his eye on someone. Maybe Ari and Mona are more alike than they know.

Samantha said...

That's a gorgeous book cover and your sunflower bookmark you got at the Beyond Van Gogh exhibit fits it perfectly!! I like the idea of a story that addresses the new challenges of the times, like people wanting "organic meals and Wi-Fi", against the backdrop of nostalgia. Anything that harkens back to the days of Dirty Dancing has to be a good read!

Cherry Blossoms said...

Oh, such a great summer book! What a way to end August and start September! Such a wonderful review!

Jewel Divas Style said...

Apparently the hotel from Dirty Dancing burnt down over summer. What a bummer. But sounds like an interesting book.