Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Candy Cane Lane . . . but Make it Kooky

Once upon a time, candy canes came in only peppermint and sometimes, if you were lucky, cherry (which I loved because of their rainbow stripes).  But nowadays you can get them in almost any flavor, as evidenced during a recent outing when I picked up these:

That's right; you're looking at a soda lover's paradise of 7UP, Dr. Pepper, and A&W as well as -- wait for it -- that American classic, Twinkies!

When I saw these exotic offerings, I couldn't pass them up, even though I still had an unopened box of Hershey's mint candy canes from last year:

Believe it or not, I haven't sampled any yet.  They must remain "mint" in box, safe and secure in my underwear drawer, until December 24.  

Because that's when the Christmas treat train leaves the station . . . 

. . . and goes off the rails until New Year's.    


ellie said...

Hahahaha..I love that they are in the underwear drawer! Oh, the things I hide there! These looks so fun! Just yesterday I found some old candy canes. Lord knows how long I had had them..It was trash time. I didn't even trust them in my hot chocolate.

Caitlin'nMegan said...

Oh, these look so cool! Love these! would love to try the Twinkies! I've had them in blueberry before>>>>>> Happy Holidays! Getting ready for more harsh winter here..ugh...yes, a good time to make sure all those animals aren't stranded in the cold. Unfortunately, I do know someone who will smoke a cigarette while holding a cat. I guess another thing to consider is actually getting an animal for someone at Christmas. And especially, how you get it. Thanks for reading! Thanks for your wonderful comments too! Here's to having lots of fun on Candy Cane lane!

Ivy's Closet said...

Oh, what great finds. So good that you are being such a good girl too! Love thisπŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„That Park Ji Joon is "Chevy" in the ellie storyblog. He really is honing in on his character skills. The drama focuses a lot not only with school bulling but even how the rich treat their own children which can be horrific too. It's a compelling story. Thankfully, I have old High Kick episodes of a Korean comedy that help balance out all this drama.

Samantha said...

Whaaaaaaat!!! Soda flavored candy canes? Twinkies flavor? That is out of this world! What unique flavors to try out, and how awesome is that that you still have Hershey's chocolate mint candy canes to enjoy, come Christmas Eve! Now that's a sweet way to enjoy the holidays. πŸ˜ŽπŸ’•

Better Left Unsaid said...

Yummy candy cane time! I still like the originals for my hot chocolate! The library closed today due to the winter blast. Definitely, no need to go anywhere with this blowing snow. All the best to a cozy Christmas and more!

Hollyn'Stevie said...

Oh, we can't for get candy canes! They are the best! Just staying in today. Maybe..just maybe I can get a little writing done between making slutty brownies and fudge!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I have to say I am partial to the peppermint candy canes and do't feel as though the other ones make it for the holiday! I grew up with peppermint and I'm sticking to it.

Samantha said...

P.S. - I spotted Funfetti candy canes at Walgreen's today and bought a pack!! I remembered this blog post of your fun-flavored candy canes. Thanks for the inspiration! πŸ˜‰