Saturday, March 17, 2012

Mr. (er, Miss) Green Jeans

From left to right: City Streets, JCPenney; Imperial Star, Macy's; Indigo Rein, Alloy; Hybrid and Company, Marshalls

I may not play in a local cover band, but I do own four pairs of green jeans.  St. Patrick's Day seemed reason enough to break them out show-and-tell style.  Meet Jungly, Dirty, Minty, and Limey.  "Jungly" because the shade of the first pair is pretty close to Crayola's jungle green crayon and "Dirty" because the second pair is screened in black acid wash (not because I fished them out of the hamper).


Kari. said...

Which one is your favorite? The minty is a really pretty color. And I have a pair of Bermudas in the jungly .. I have trouble figuring out how to wear them though, so I rarely take them out.

The Tote Trove said...

That's a hard one, but I think I like the lime pair the best. I'm actually wearing the minty ones right now! I know what you mean about Bermudas; I used to have a bunch of them until it dawned on me that I was just too short for that style!