Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I Won a Giveaway!

I'm excited to announce that I won a giveaway! It was sponsored by fellow Make and Tell Challenge artist Cassandra, who dreamed up the simultaneously whimsical and edgy "L'il Miss Rock Star Care Kit" prize of which I am now the proud owner. It arrived in the mail today, and as I opened it I thought, how did she cram so much cool stuff into one small package? Out tumbled sheet music origami, guitar pick earrings, a keyboard-inspired ruler, and a bevy of other delightfully out-of-the-box treasures. It was obvious that Cassandra put a lot of thought and time into every detail. Not that this came as a surprise, given the level of care she devotes to her Etsy shop and blog, both of which are a joy to visit. Be sure to stop by for awesome products and thought-provoking reads. Thanks again, Cassandra!

1 comment:

Cassandra Watsham said...

oooooh! I'm so glad it showed up, I was starting to get worried! I'm glad you like your surprise, and don't forget to come by the Etsy shop!

Thanks again for the post! *big hug!*